Due to excessive whaling, many species of whale are near extinction.

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By Ashlee Booth

Due to excessive whaling, many species of whale are near extinction. Australia is opposed to whaling, but it is a Japanese tradition to eat whale meat, and taking whale consumption away from their culture would devastate the whole nation and economy. But do we, as one species have the right to kill off another species? Whales have a right to freedom just as much as we do, shouldn’t they live normal lives the way mother nature intended them to? On the other hand, shouldn’t Japan have the right to eat what they want to eat? This proposed sanctuary might give the whales’ back their freedom, but what about Japans culture? Will a sanctuary help?

If the proposed Southern Pacific Whale Sanctuary does go ahead, this would give the whales the much-needed time to repopulate. The population of whales have decreased immensely over the past generation. Estimated numbers as of the year 1997 show that the Blue Whales’ original level was at 228,000 and in 1997 the Blue Whales’ population was at is 11,700. That is a decrease of 216,300, that’s 95%. As for the Humpback whale, their original population was 115,000 and now there are only approximately 10,000 left. That’s a 91% decrease. Also for the Right Whale, there original level was 100,000, and now, there is only 3200, that’s 96% of the population gone. It is clearly evident, just from viewing the population decreases in these 3 species, that the Sanctuary would help the whales increase their populations, and put them at lesser risk of extinction.  But a whale sanctuary would not only be beneficial to whales there are many benefits to humans as well. A southern pacific whale sanctuary will provide economic benefits to many South-Pacific nations through whale watching. And will also give the opportunity to learn more about whales and the way they affect the eco-system. As you can see there are many benefits of the proposed Southern Pacific Whale Sanctuary, but of course there is one downside.

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In Japan, whale is considered the best food imaginable. And eating whale goes back centuries in their culture. When has one nation told another what they can and cant eat? Seafood is a very important part of their diet, to them Whale is just another source of protein, and only westerners believe that whales are special. Also, if the whale moratorium is lifted, and commercial whaling begins, then many job opportunities will open up. Seafood is a very high money making industry in Japan, recently one Blue Fin sold for $300,000. Whaling is an industry that employs many Japanese ...

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