Task 3a

In this section I will be looking into the sources of fuel for sport and exercise needed by humans. I will then look into our energy systems and how they relate to the fuels used by our body.

There are two groups that nutrients can be divided into, these are known as macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients: This group contains carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Micronutrients: This group contains vitamins and minerals.

How we judge these two groups is based on quantities needed in a person’s daily diet. Therefore, we must eat more carbohydrates, fats and proteins than vitamins and minerals. Altogether the nutritional requirements human people need consist of six elements, these are:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats/ Lipids
  • Proteins
  • Water
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals


Everyone relies on carbohydrates as the biggest source of nutrients and calories e.g. rice in Asia, Wheat in the Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa, Oats and Barley in the British Isles, Corn and Potato in America.

Carbohydrate is Latin that stands for hydrated (watered) carbon. Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen to produce compounds. They have the normal molecular formula CH2O that means for every carbon and oxygen atom there are twice as many hydrogen atoms e.g. if there are 6 carbon atoms, there will also be 6 oxygen atoms but there will be 12 hydrogen atoms: C6H12O6.

Carbohydrates consist of a large group of organic compounds that are essential for life. They are found in your body. We know them better as sugars and starches. Sugars refer to the type of carbohydrates in confectionery e.g. fruit and energy drinks. Starches are found in bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for your body to function properly e.g. respiration and digestion. Also carbohydrates are necessary for physical activity e.g. allowing a marathon runner to compete at his/her best. Carbohydrates also act as a fuel reserve, a store of energy for when readily available energy is not obtainable. Some carbohydrates can be changed into proteins or fats, which can be used as energy reserves to be used for growth and repair.

Another big carbohydrate is cereal which many people use before a sport such as playing a football match.

Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. If you look at carbohydrate it is obvious e.g. carbo relates to carbon and hydrate means to gain water that consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water. The ratio is always two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom.

Carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules. They can be put into different depending on how many sugars the carbohydrate contains. First there are monosaccharides, which consist of one sugar, then there are disaccharides that are made up of two sugars, and lastly there are polysaccharides, which are made up of many sugars.

The monosaccharides and disaccharides are occasionally called ‘simple carbohydrates’. They taste sweet and will dissolve in water. Simple sugars enter the bloodstream soon after eating. Polysaccharides are sometimes called ‘complex carbohydrates’. They do not taste sweet and will not dissolve in water (the opposite to monosaccharides). Polysaccharides are broken down slower than simple sugars, so glucose is released from them into the bloodstream at a slower rate.

Carbohydrates are the main energy source in most diets, and starches provide the bulk of that.


This group is made up of three carbohydrates. Although they are similar they are different because the atoms are arranged differently. As these carbohydrates contain six carbon atoms, they are sometimes called hexose sugars, which are:

  • Glucose: ‘blood carbohydrate’, the immediate source of energy production.
  • Galactose: a carbohydrate in milk and yogurt.
  • A carbohydrate found in honey and fruits.

The liver makes both galactose and fructose into glucose, which can be used for energy production.

Monosaccharides are also known as simple sugars. Their structure consists of a single chain between three and seven carbon atoms. Blood sugar also known as glucose is the major source of energy in the body that is a monosaccharide. Fructose is another example of a monosaccharide and it has the same molecular formula as glucose but the atoms are arranged in a different way. Isomer is the term used for a chemical compound that has the same number of atoms as another compound but has a different arrangement. Fructose is an isomer of glucose.

Two monosaccharides can join together to form a disaccharide. This chemical reaction of them joining together is known as dehydration synthesis e.g. when a football player takes on complex carbohydrates such as pasta and then takes on fluid like water which then brakes the complex carbohydrates down to become a monosaccharide. The name for this is derived from the fact that a water molecule is lost from the two chemicals that join together. The reverse of this process is hydrolysis.

The monosaccharides commonly found in humans are classified according to the number of carbons they contain in their backbone structures. The major monosaccharides contain four to six carbon atoms.

Carbohydrate Classifications

The equation for dehydration synthesis

The most common disaccharide is sucrose or cane sugar, which believe it or not is just the same as the granulated or table sugar you buy in the supermarket. Another disaccharide is lactose that is a type of sugar found in milk.

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Dehydration synthesis also results in the arrangement of polysaccharides. These are long chains made up of three or more monosaccharides. Poly in polysaccharide means many, and polysaccharides are examples of polymers, a polymer is a chain like molecule made up of smaller molecules. Polysaccharides are different from monosaccharides and disaccharides because they are not normally soluble in water and they are not as sweet. Two of the most important polysaccharides are starch and glycogen. These both come from glucose. Glycogen is the main store of carbohydrate in the human body. It is mainly found in the skeletal muscle but ...

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