Environmental and biological factors play a role in the manifestation of aggressive behaviour. Discuss the interaction of these variables in the display of hostility.

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Donal McKendry. 12507016

Environmental and biological factors play a role in the manifestation of aggressive behaviour. Discuss the interaction of these variables in the display of hostility.

This essay will begin by defining aggression and giving some general examples of different types of aggression. The essay will then focus on the biological signals and biological triggers for aggression and discuss how certain environmental triggers act as stimuli for the onset of a particular type of aggressive behaviour and mannerisms. It will do this by giving examples of this type of behaviour in animals, which is a good model for understanding human aggression. The essay will then progress to talk about the significance of nature versus nurture. It will describe how significant biological factors and environmental factors are in the onset of aggression. It will give examples of how this can be proved by studies involving twins and adopted children. It will then discuss the role of television in the manifestation of aggression and violent crimes in children giving an extreme recent example of this. The essay will then develop into the appearance of aggression and violent acts in adults involving examples of road rage and the consumption of alcohol. A summary will conclude the essay and will describe all of the things, which have been discussed throughout the essay. So what is aggression, what are the different types of aggression and what are the signs, which show that someone is displaying aggressive behaviour?

Aggression can be defined as behaviour that can be seen as destructive or hostile.2 It is an intended behaviour aimed at hurting another person. Aggression could also be described as heterogeneous. That is, it can be in self-defence when in fear of one’s own safety, or it can be malicious, vengeful and predatory. There are many reasons, biological and otherwise, which are responsible for the onset of aggressive behaviour. But there are many different types of aggression and they all have different biological signals and clinical applications. So what are the different types of aggression?

        There are a number of varying types of behaviour that could be considered to be a form of aggressive behaviour according to the definition given. Examples include a physical fight between two men, an animal frightening another animal away from its territory and its young or a female being verbally abusive to another individual during her period. The mechanisms surrounding the different types of aggression differ in a lot of ways, but a model can be formed that will generally explain the methodology of the onset of aggression. This model should cover all of the different types of aggression. But what are the biological signals for the onset of aggression?

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 The biological triggers for aggression have been widely studied and aggression and fear are behavioural attributes controlled by the amygdala in the hypothalamus within the limbic system. The hypothalamus, apart from its homeostatic control functions, can be associated with behavioural characteristics. These characteristics are usually related to the primitive survival and reproductive instincts of our early human ancestors.2 

        The initial principle of the model signifies that when the neural systems present in our brains are activated, then the individual will respond in an antagonistic manner towards the offending stimulus or stimuli.2 This will usually occur in response to a threat, i.e. ...

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