Food Science -Experiments to Determine the Properties and Uses of Enzymes in Food Preperation.

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I. Introduction

Enzymes are protein molecules with a special function. Produced by living cells, they act as catalysts to change the rate of a chemical reaction without actually being used up in the reaction itself. Enzymes catalyze a wide range of reactions in living matter, from the digestion of foods in the digestive tract of animals to most of the complex processes occurring in plant and animal metabolism. Enzymes in plant and animal tissues do not stop functioning when the animal is slaughtered or the plant tissue is harvested. Thus we must deal with enzymatic activity when we handle foods from these sources (Bennion & Scheule, Introductory Foods, 2010).

        In connection to this, the experiment was conducted with the following objectives:

  • To demonstrate the influence of temperature on activity of enzymes
  • To know the characteristics of catalases, polyphenoloxidase, peroxidases, and invertase
  • To enumerate the functions of catalases, polyphenoloxidase, peroxidases, and invertase
  • To explain the principle of catalase test, polyphenoloxidase test, peroxidase test, and invertase test
  • To assess the behavior of pectin methyl esterase during processing
  • To explain the implications of PME activity in thermal processing of tomato juice
  • To illustrate the action of proteases on myofibrillar proteins, egg albumin, and gelatin

II. Review of Related Literature

1.1 Effect of Heat on Enzyme

Enzymes are proteins, composed of amino acids, produced by the human body and by all animals and plants. Enzymes are catalysts that either begin or cause a reaction to speed up (Cichoke, 2002). Each enzymes acts most effectively under optimal conditions. Temperature, degree of acidity or pH, amount of substrate, and amount of enzyme are all important. In general, the rate or speed of enzymatic reaction increases as the temperature increases until a critical level is reached, at which point denaturation or coagulation of the enzyme by heat stops the activity. At its optimum temperature, enzymatic activity is greatest, and denature does not occur (Bennion and Scheule, 2010). Cold temperatures reduce the rate of enzyme activity and thereby slow, but never completely inhibit enzymatic browning (Brown, 2010).

        The rate of an enzymatic reaction increases with increasing substrate up to a certain point and then remains constant. The rate of an enzymatic reaction also increases with increasing amounts of enzyme. Enzyme activity in foods may thus be at least partially determined by controlling the conditions under which the food is handled or held (Bennion and Scheule, 2010).

        Temperature is known to markedly influence enzyme function and cell membrane permeability. However, how these apply directly to the effects of temperature on fruit development is unclear (Jackson, 2008). Natural browning of fresh fruit or vegetables occurs via enzymatic mechanisms. Non-enzymatic browning is caused primarily by artificial heating of foods with accompanying color and flavor change in possibly, otherwise, stable foods (Becket, 1995).

1.2 Catalase


        Catalase is an enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.  The bacteria that contains this enzyme is usually aerobic (need oxygen) or a facultative anaerobe (can live with or without oxygen).  A positive reaction is indicated by a continuous bubble formation when the catalase is introduced to bacterial colonies. (Anonymous)


Catalases are ubiquitous antioxidant enzymes and irrespective of their origin catalyze the same basic reaction, the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. (Chelikani, Ramana and Radhakrishnan)        


Catalases are used to break down Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) to water and oxygen. Therefore, catalases are used when the presence of hydrogen peroxide is undesirable or when Hydrogen Peroxide is used for specific purposes, such as in bleaching, but then must be removed from the system. Examples of the latter case are the uses of Hydrogen peroxide for preserving milk in areas where heat pasteurization and refrigeration are unavailable and in the manufacture of cheese from unpasteurized milk. Hydrogen Peroxide is produced during the spray-drying process. Catalase is used to convert the unwanted H2O2 to water and oxygen. (Vieira, 1999)

1.3 Polyphenoloxidase

Definition of Polyphenoloxidase

The enzymes involved in enzymatic browning are known by the name polyphenoloxidase and are also called polyphenolase or phenolase. It is generally agreed (Matthew and Parpia 1971) that these terms include all enzymes that have the capacity to oxidize phenolic compounds to o-quinones (deMan, 1999).

Polyphenoloxidases are group of enzymes capable of oxidizing flavonoid (polyphenolic) compounds to cause browning or other discoloration of bruised or cut surfaces in fruits and vegetables containing these compounds after harvest (Mcwilliams, 1997). The action of polyphenolases is detrimental when it leads to browning in bruised and broken plant tissue but is beneficial in the processing of tea and coffee. The enzyme occurs in almost all plants, but relatively high levels are found in potatoes, mushrooms, apples, peaches, bananas, avocados, tea leaves, and coffee beans (deMan, 1999).


Pears and white potatoes sometimes develop a pinkish color in their cut surfaces when they stand for awhile after being peeled or sliced. Apparently this color change is due to conversion of the proanthocyanin to the pigmented and closely related compound cyanidin. It may undergo browning reactions when they are bruised, cut or exposed to air for a period of time. This darkening is attributed to the action of a group of enzymes, the polyphenoloxidases (Mcwilliams, 1997). Browning reaction occurs when the enzyme catalyzed reaction of oxygen with certain phenolic compounds produces quinine structures and their polymerization products which are responsible for the brown color (Aurand, 1973).  Elimination of oxygen or use of an antioxidant blocks undesirable changes in color (Mcwilliams, 1997).


 According to Aurand (1973), polyphenol oxidase catalyzes two basic types of reactions, hydroxylation and oxidation. In hydroxylation, Cu+ is oxidized to Cu2+. It occurs on phenols containing only one hydroxyl group while oxidation has been defined as a loss of electrons in an atom or simply chemical combination with oxygen (Vieira, 1999).


The oxidation of phenolic substrates by polyphenoloxidase is thought to be the major cause of the brown coloration of many fruits and vegetables during ripening, handling, storage and processing. This problem is of considerable importance to the food industry as it affects the nutritional quality and appearance, reduces the consumer’s acceptability and therefore causes significant economic impact, both to food producers and to food processing industry. It is estimated that over 50% of losses in fruits occur as a result of enzymatic browning and tropical and subtropical fruits and vegetables are the most susceptible to these reactions (Queiroz, 2010).

Heating fruits and vegetables denatures enzyme proteins and thus destroys their activity. This process is of importance in the preparation of frozen, canned, and fresh vegetables. Since enzyme activity may continue at freezing temperatures and procedure undesirable changes in frozen vegetables, these plant tissues are blanched before freezing. Flavor and texture deterioration during frozen storage is markedly decreased by this heat treatment. Rapid heating of vegetables early in the canning process inactivates enzymes and helps to produce a high quality product (Bennion, The Science of Food, 1980).

1.4 Peroxidase

Characteristics of Peroxidase

Peroxidase is an enzyme which can be derived from many different plant sources. Most of the peroxidase functions optimally at a pH range of 6.5-7.0, depending on the source of peroxidase, meaning it stops its activity at pH levels below or beyond the said range. It has a molecular weight of 40,000 having an isoelectric point of 7.2. Peroxidase displays a high degree of specificity; most especially it is active on hydrogen peroxide and few other chemicals. Cyanides and sulfides are used to inhibit the activity of peroxidases but these inhibitors can be reversed. Peroxidase is a stable enzyme that is it can be stored for several years in low temperature places (Doe, 2010).

Peroxidase is also heat resistant which are considered as indices of heat treatment efficacy (Severini, 2004).

Functions of Peroxidase

It is used as a catalyst for the hydrogen peroxide oxidation by any of several substrates. It is responsible for the discoloration or more commonly to the browning of some fruits and vegetables during storage or prior to use. The usage of peroxidase is important in agricultural applications because it provides useful information regarding on the types of conditions that are suitable for storing fruits and vegetables and most importantly, for extending the shelf life of it (Doe, 2010).

Peroxidase also plays a very important role in degrading and synthesizing lignin in cell wall damage and repair. It provides defense against pathogens and stress, controls respiration and promotes formation of highly reactive species (Whitaker, 2003). Activity of peroxidase is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of blanching treatment (Karel, 2003).

Principle of Peroxidase Test

Peroxidase test is used to check the activity of the enzyme peroxidase. In order to perform this test, 2 solutions must be prepared: 1% guaiacol solution, which is prepared by dissolving 1g of guaiacol in about 50cm3 of 96% ethyl alcohol and then diluted to 100cm3 with distilled water, and 0.3% hydrogen peroxide solution made by diluting 1cm3 perhydrol solution to 100cm3 with distilled water. These 2 solutions will then be added to the portion of the sample together with 20ml of distilled water, shaken well (Chapter 9 - Vegetable specific processing technologies).

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The test can be regarded as slightly positive when there is a gradual appearance of pink color but this appearance is due to the incomplete peroxidase inactivation. In order to complete the reaction, few drops of 1% guaiacol solution and 0.3% hydrogen peroxide solution can be added, which therefore pertains to a positive reaction wherein the enzyme peroxidase decomposed hydrogen peroxide . This will yield a rapid and intensive brown-reddish color indicating a high peroxidase activity. A negative result is characterized when there is no change in color after 5 minutes which indicates that peroxidase have been inactivated (Chapter 9 ...

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