Give a critical account of the theories and treatments of ADHD.

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Psychology Level 2

Essay 2

4) Give a critical account of the theories and treatments of ADHD.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is:

“A mental disorder, usually of children, characterized by a grossly excessive level of activity and a marked impairment of the ability to attend.

 Learning is impaired as a result, and behaviour is disruptive and may be defiant or aggressive.”  (Oxford Medical Dictionary 1998)

   Every human being may have difficulty sitting still, paying attention or controlling impulsive behaviour. However for some people, the problem is so persevere and unrelenting that it interferes with their daily life, including home, educational, social and work settings.

   Typically ADHD symptoms arise in early childhood and some symptoms persist into adult-hood, posing life-long challenges and difficulties.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition (DSM-IV), the symptoms of ADHD fall into three categories: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, and combined type.

   Inattention is diagnosed by symptoms such as not paying attention, making careless mistakes, not listening, not finishing tasks, not following instructions, avoidance or dislike of tasks requiring sustained mental activities, losing things and being easily distracted.

   Hyperactivity and impulsivity is diagnosed by symptoms including fidgeting, talking excessively, running around excessively, especially at inappropriate times. Interrupting others and difficulty waiting turns and in engaging in activities quietly.

   The combined type is when the individual meets both sets of the inattention and hyperactivity and impulsivity disorders.

   All children act in ways that could be viewed as inattentive or hyperactive and impulsive; the main symptoms of ADHD. Everyone daydreams, interrupts, blurts out information or becomes impatient and restless at times, but not everyone has ADHD. The determining whether a person has ADHD is very specific. Professionals such as school psychologists, social workers, nurse practitioners, neurologist, psychiatrists and other medical doctors diagnose ADHD only when the patient has displayed the symptomatic behaviours that argue with their development level. Patients have to have shown some of the symptoms before the age of seven.

   They must be impaired by at least six or more symptoms of the disorder, which are consistent over the past six months. They must affect the ability to function in daily life and at least some of the symptoms should create a significant difficulty in at least two areas of life, such as home, social settings and school or work.

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   A medical examination by a physician is also important to rule out other medical problems that may be causing symptoms similar to ADHD. (DSM-IV, 1994. as cited in Bee 2002)

   ADHD is considered as a neurological disorder because brain images of children with ADHD may show differences compared to children without ADHD. For example, in some children with ADHD, certain parts of the brain are smaller or less active than the brains of children without ADHD. These changes may be linked to specific brain chemicals that are needed for tasks such as sustaining attention and regulating activity levels.


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