How does varying bacterial amylase effect inhibition by copper?

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How does varying bacterial amylase effect inhibition by copper?  

Amylases are enzymes, which hydrolyse starch into maltose. There are two main types of amylase: -

  1. Alpha amylase, which degrade starch molecules into fragments 10 glucose residues long;
  2. And there are Beta amylases, which break down into maltose made of two glucose molecules.

Both are working by hydrolysis adding one molecule of water across the glycosidic link.


I think that the higher the concentration of bacterial amylase, the faster the rate of reaction.

This is because the higher the concentration the faster the rate of reaction. Increased concentration results in an increased possibility that collisions between molecules with the required activation energy will occur.

Copper is non-competitive inhibitor. In non-competitive inhibition, the inhibitor may form a complex with the enzyme itself, with the enzyme/substrate complex or with the prosthetic group. The inhibitor is not competing for the active site but joins to the enzyme molecules elsewhere.  

Bacteria use amylase to feed and therefore provide energy to the cell. Bacteria are prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are made up of prokaryote calls. They do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. The genetic material is in a single strand coiled in the centre to form a nucleiod. They are also single celled organisms. We cannot live without bacteria, yet bacteria causes may diseases, which kill many people, for example TB, typhoid, cholera, and many more.

Bacteria can be found in a wide range of environments, for example, water, air, soils and sediments.

Bacteria are also found in a wide range of temperatures from 0-90 °C.

The bacteria have adapted to the environments. Therefore I think that bacterial amylase have a better chance at withstanding changes in temperature and pH and therefore will be more resistant to denaturation.

The rate of reaction will increase as the temperature increases. This is because the molecules have more kinetic energy resulting in more successful collisions. However, after the initial increase in the reaction rate, as temperature continues to increase above 45 °C, The enzymes will become denatured. This is because they consist of protein and have specific, complex 3D structures. As temperature increases the enzymes become progressively inactive so they can no longer catalyse the reaction. This process of denaturation is the irreversible destruction of the tertiary structure of the enzyme protein, changing its complex 3D structure (i.e. shape) and eventually destroying its active sites and therefore cannot produce an enzyme/ substrate complex.

The active site is a specific region on the protein molecule where the substrate binds to the enzyme and so their shape is vital to the whole process. When the shape is altered, the substrate can no longer fit into the active site to produce an enzyme/substrate complex. So I need to find the optimum temperature for the reaction.        

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I plan to use different concentrations of bacterial amylase and add a fixed amount of starch and copper sulphate and time how long the experiment takes.

Starch can be detected by iodine solution. The reddish-brown colour changes into a blue-black when the starch is present. The blue-black colour is my start point and this should turn colourless when the starch has changed into maltose.

Maltose is a sugar and can be detected by Benedict’s solution. When a reducing sugar is present then Benedict’s solution changes from sky blue to a brick red precipitate.

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