How to Write a Laboratory Report Using MS Word 2000

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The effect of timing interval and stimulus difficulty on inhibitory control

The effect of timing interval and stimulus difficulty on inhibitory control

Lindsey Thomas

School of Psychology

University of Nottingham

Course: C82 MHC


This experiment ran 20 participants in a within subjects design on the stop signal task. The independent variables were stop signal delay and the task difficulty (easy=single letters, difficult=five letter words). The experimental hypotheses were increasing stop signal delay will decrease the ability to withhold responses, increasing the stimulus difficulty will increase the ability to withhold responses and increasing stimulus difficulty and increasing stop signal delay will together  affect the ability to withhold responses. The results show that there is a decrease in mean accuracy on both easy and difficult stimuli from 250ms to 550ms and that mean accuracy was generally lower on the easy stimuli. However the inferential statistics found that the difference in stop signal delay was the only significant finding.


Inhibitory control is crucial to control actions and thoughts by preventing them when necessary e.g. when tasks are no longer relevant to the current goal.  Both motor systems and cognitive systems require this ability e.g. stopping talking when interrupted, avoiding a falling object when walking a straight line. Inhibitory control can be linked to automatic behaviours and attention control.  

Logan & Cowen (1984) developed a theory to account for inhibition of thought and action. Control is performed by an executive system which forms intentions and give commands to a subordinate system, which performs the commands. One example of a command is the control of inhibition. This theory developed a ‘Horse-Race’ Model explaining inhibition. A stop signal starts a stopping process which ‘races’ with other thought processes already running. If the stopping process wins, inhibition occurs. If another process wins, the action runs on until completion. The processes are independent (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Diagrammatic example of the Horse-Race Model. To the left of the line the response to the primary task is faster, and to the right of the line the response to the stop signal is faster. 

 If a stop signal is presented a long time after the primary task, this reduces the probability of inhibiting a response, but if it is presented early enough, the response will nearly always be inhibited.

Inhibitory control can be tested using the Stop Signal Task (SST) (Lappan & Eriksen (1966). A primary task, presentation of a stimulus, requires a response. In a small number of randomly allocated trials, a stop signal presented after the  primary stimulus. Participant’s accuracy or reaction time is measured on the primary task response and stop signal response. In one experiment Logan & Cowen (1984) asked subjects to respond to letters in a forced choice task and presented a tone to which they had to inhibit their responses. They found the probability of responding when a stop signal was presented increased with stop signal delay (time between primary task and presentation of stop signal). Similar results were found in studies of eye movements (Lisberger et al 1975), typewriting (Logan 1982), arm movements (Henry and Harrison 1961) and anticipatory responses (Slater-Hammel 1960). However individual differences were found in the time it took to complete primary task and strategy people used.

Inhibitory control has been linked to frontal lobe dysfunction, suggesting this is the brain location. Iversen & Mishkin (1970) tested subjects using functional MRI on inhibitory tasks of different responses, such as the go/no-go task and Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST). They found that inhibitory control involves the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. However the precise location was not determined. Konishi et al (1999) repeated this procedure. They found localisation of activity on the go/no-go task in the posterior right inferior frontal sulcus. This area was also found to be activated in the WCST, suggesting this is the common central mechanism for inhibition, as it prevents both responses. Supporting this, Pliszka et al (2000) found on stop signal tasks, children with ADHD  (attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity) have slower stop signal responses and less activity in the right inferior frontal cortex. However Gavaran et al (1999) found inhibition is more distributed throughout the brain, although these areas are primarily right ventral frontal lobe regions.

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 Many disorders show inhibition deficits such as schizophrenia, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Inhibition deficits include responding before the task is understood, losing attention and failing to correct inappropriate responses. Patients with Schizophrenia show good performance on stop signal tasks, but there is reduced activity in the mesial prefrontal brain regions during inhibition (hypofrontality) (Rubia et al 2001).

Children with ADHD respond quickly and inaccurately on the stop signal task compared to normal controls. Schachar & Logan (1990) found this reflected impulsivity and lack of inhibition, especially if there was a long stop signal delay. This has been ...

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