In psychology, there has been much research into the human brain. Particularly in the way humans remember information and why they remember certain bits of information better than others. This research has lead to many findings each with different ideas.

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“In the broadest sense, learning is the acquisition of knowledge and memory is the storage of an internal representation of that knowledge” Blakemore 1988

The above quote aims to define memory. In psychology, there has been much research into the human brain. Particularly in the way humans remember information and why they remember certain bits of information better than others. This research has lead to many findings each with different ideas.

Ebbinghaus carried out one of the very first studies of memory in 1885. He asked his participants to memorize nonsense syllables; this was done so that the experiment was fair for everyone. Ebbinghaus study was criticized because in everyday memory sometimes the information that we remember is already known to us through past experiences, however his study sparked other psychologist into carrying out further research into memory.

Memory is about processing huge amounts of information. The information is stored in various forms. Memory involves not only taking in of information, but also the storing of it and retrieval of it when it is required. There are many different kinds of memory, which suggests that for each genre of memory there is a special storage system for it. Psychologists believe that the process of memory involves three stages: encoding, storage and retrieval. For information to be remembered it must go through all of the stages. First of all the information must be put into some form where it can be encoded visually (as images), acoustically (as sounds) or semantically (as meanings). Secondly the encoded information must be stored or held in memory until it is needed. Thirdly, the stored information must be available to be retrieved from memory when required.

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Based on the above idea about memory, psychologists have tried to form models, which aim to explain the different forms of memory and its different components. Atkinson and Shriffin in1968 came up with the first model of memory. They aimed to explain the structure of memory and explain how information is transferred from short-term memory (STM) to long-term memory (LTM). They named this concept of the memory model the MULITI-STORE MODEL. It suggested that memory was split into three separate stores: the sensory memory, the short-term memory and the long-term memory. Atkinson and Shriffrin sated that each store had ...

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