In your view, which theory of deviance provides the best explanation of Jason’s deviance and juvenile delinquency in HK?

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Stella Lee


Sociology tutorial essay - Crime and Deviance

In your view, which theory of deviance provides the best explanation of Jason's deviance and juvenile delinquency in HK?

Deviance is to stray away from the accepted path which most follow within the society. There is no absolute way of defining a deviant act, for example, nudity in your home in normal but not at a public place. Deviance is therefore culturally determined which changes throughout time and between different societies.

There are many theoretical approaches which can be used to explain deviant and criminal behaviour. Besides sociological theories there have been significant contributions from physiology and psychology. Some argue that there is a biological basis for deviance and others argue that it is due to personality and brain structure. Lombroso for example, has suggested an important link between deviance and human biology as he believes that genetic make up has an important contribution in deciding who would be deviant. Whereas Eysenck emphasized on psychological ideas, as he argues that deviance arise from different personalities which are inherited by the individual themselves.

Emile Durkheim has been particular interested in studying deviant behaviour. As a functionalist, he believes that deviance is a necessary part for all healthy societies; it is inevitable because not every member of society can be committed to the collective sentiments which are commonly shared. Cohen, from a functionalist perspective showed that deviant behaviour often has an important part to play in maintaining stable social system and allow the society to function effectively. For example, he analysed the function of prostitution and suggested that use of prostitutes was vital in maintaining stable family life. Functionalists also imply the social learning theory to support their arguments because it implies that people become deviants through deviant socialization. Durkheim's ideas is also supported by Merton's theory on social structure and anomie where people respond to their position in one of five different ways including Conformists, innovators, ritualists, retreatists and rebellions.
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Where functionalists studied deviant behaviour in society as a whole, Marxists looked at deviant behaviour from a social structure within the society that was based on the ideas of a minority of people, i.e. those with power. They believe that the powerful ones adjust rules and regulations into a way that benefits them to maintain their status within the society. Marx saw social control as a way to solidify the advantages of those with authority because it is the powerful ones that provide the social control.

During the 60's some sociologists began to look at deviance ...

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