Investigate whether age has an effect on a person's tendency to stereotype others due to their appearance.

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Nicola Findler.

Psychology A2 Practical Coursework.



The aim of this study was to investigate whether age has an effect on a person’s tendency to stereotype others due to their appearance.

        An opportunity sample of twenty participants, ten aged 15-25 and ten aged 45-55, were used in the study. A questionnaire was used to determine whether the participants stereotyped.

        The older participants scored higher scores, supporting my experimental hypothesis but not in a significant, and therefore valid, form. The observed value was 42, with a 0.05 level of significance, and a critical value of 27 using the Mann-Whitney U test. Therefore the research hypothesis that ‘older people will have a higher tendency to place stereotypes due to appearance’ is rejected and the null hypothesis was accepted, as the critical value was lower than the observed value.

        This study suggests that older people tend to stereotype more than younger people do.


Stereotyping and prejudice has always been an important area in the psychology of the courtroom, due to the fear of wrongly sentencing because of a stereotyped opinion of someone’s appearance. It has been considered that we develop beliefs and stereotypes of what the appearance of a “criminal” would be, which can then determine how we react towards them.

Thornton (1939) conducted a study which assessed this idea of stereotyping by showing participants 20 photographs of criminals and asking them which, of four given crimes, would they expect each to have committed. He found that people were able to correctly match the criminal’s faces to their crimes far more reliably than chance would have predicted.

Thornton’s study looked at whether people stereotype, this current study investigates whether age has an effect on the tendency to place stereotypes, due to appearance. Age has always been a commonly studied variable in sociology and has also been related to areas such as stereotyping. The research hypothesis is that older people will score more highly on the questionnaire. This has been developed from the idea that older people are more wary and likely to judge others due to their appearance. A questionnaire using a constant rating scale was used to collect this data.

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The experimental hypothesis is:

Older people will have a higher tendency, than young people, to place stereotypes on possible criminals, due to appearance.

The null hypothesis is:

There will be no significant difference in the tendency to place stereotypes on possible criminals, due to appearance, between older and younger people.



This is an independent measures design with two conditions.

        Condition 1: Participants aged 15-25

        Condition 2: Participants aged 45-55

The variables were:

        IV – Age of participants

        DV – Stereotypical attitude

A questionnaire was used, consisting of 11 questions of which each ...

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