Native American’s have always viewed their environment as sacred. Their belief is that they are just a small part of the great continuous circle. Everything is apart of this circle and if one part is effected it will ultimately effect the other parts. Native Americans don’t see the land as something to take advantage of. Everything they take from the land they perceive as a gift. It is traditional to give a prayer of Thanks as well as leaving a gift. Some prayers are to help the animal’s spirit to complete its journey to the afterlife, and also thanking the animal’s spirit for giving up his life to help others survive. Tobacco was a typical offering because the Native Americans viewed tobacco as a strong “medicine” that is satisfactory to the Creator. Prayers followed by an offering of tobacco will be heard by the Creator.
Prayers and offerings were also made when Native Americans used plants, trees, and other materials from the land. Everything had a spirit and they were given the same honor, by saying a prayer of thanks.
One of the most significant parts of a Native American community is its clan system. Historically, the clan system was used to keep order between people. Every clan had a job or obligation within the community. They were either, leaders, diplomats, guardians, or suppliers for the tribe people. People play an intricate role to the survival of their tribe. Clan family systems are very important to the natives and their way of life. A clan is defined as a group of people who are related through a common ancestry. The relationship goes further than immediate family. It is everything in the Universe that was made by the same Creator. When the Creator created each animal, person, tree, etc, He created a relationship between them all.
Men are brother to the trees and air and will to the animals as well. It is because of this bond that Native Americans include animals in their culture, religion, and history. All tribes include animals for a reason; feathers, fur, skin, claws, etc. Native Americans felt that Animals were placed on this land so they could help humans. They also make things from parts of the animal, such as; buffalo coats, headbands, and their daily attire. Many animals play intricate roles for the Native American way of life. For example, to show respect, gratitude and honor for the animals, Native Americans name their clans after animal names.
Today, because of treaties and the past and current Commissioners of Indian Affairs, the Native American population is on the rise. In 1980, the Native American population as about 1.4 million moved up in 1996 and was up to 2.3 million.
However, the Native Americans, out of all other minorities, are still the poorest people based on income and employment
Other problems facing Native Americans are land rights. Big companies are in constant battle with the Native Americans because they still want their land for personal gain. For example the Navajo tribe is living on land that contains 2.5 billion tons of coal, and 55 million pounds of uranium deposits. Companies successfully moved most of the Navajo people to government type housing, and today the matter is still unfinished.
In conclusion, I hope that this paper has given you some insight on the life of the Native American people. I realize that this topic is so broad it is hard to talk about all the aspects of their life. Overall, Native Americans have suffered enough discrimination and whatnot, so hopefully in this century, we can learn to live beside, respect, and accept Native Americans.
Works Cited
History Book- “Survey of U.S. History”
Geography Book- World Regional Geography