Outline and Evaluate research into causes of aggression

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Outline and Evaluate research into causes of aggression (theories and/or studies) (24 marks)

One of the most influential approaches to aggression is the social learning theory. The social learning theory claims that aggressive behaviour is learned either through direct experience or vicarious experience (observing others). For a behaviour to be imitated it must be seen as rewarding in some way. A person behaving aggressively depends on their previous experiences of aggressive behaviour, the degree in which their aggressive behaviour was successful in the past, the likely hood of their aggressive behaviour being successful in the situation plus other cognitive, social or environmental factors that are operating at the same time. This theory is supported by Bandura et al’s experiment of bobo dolls 1961.

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Bandura stated children and adults acquire new styles of conduct through filmed and televised modelling, which shows television violence could cause a person to become aggressive. Phillips (1986) also found evidence that supports the SLT. He discovered homicide rate in the U.S always increased; the week following a major boxing match. It suggests viewers were imitating the behaviour they watched and that social learning is evident in adults. However there is no direct evidence to link homicide rate with those who watched the match.

In the study of the bobo dolls, groups of children were shown a film ...

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