Perception. This essay will discuss the extent to which this picture or perception of the world is a product of the mind rather than sensation and so demonstrate that perception is more than the sum of its parts.

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Without sensation, (stimuli, which our bodies receive through our eyes, ears, nose and skin), we would not be able to construct any picture or make sense of the world around us. It is as if the world only exists through our senses. The ‘picture’ we create through the sensations that we receive is not one of disjointed, ever-changing light, smell, taste and touch impulses but an organised, stable and constant one.

This essay will discuss the extent to which this ‘picture’ or perception of the world is a product of the mind rather than sensation and so demonstrate that perception is ‘more than the sum of its parts’.  

This essay will first define and make the distinction between sensation and perception. It will refer to the work of Gibson and Gregory, gestalt psychology as well as discussing the role of perceptual schemas and the extent to which perception is a result of nature or nurture.

When studying perception it is important to distinguish between sensation and perception.

Perception refers to the way in which the brain acts upon these sensory inputs

from the environment via the sense organs is transformed into experiences of objects, events, sounds, tastes, etc”. (Roth, 1986)

In our everyday experiences, sensation and perception blend into one continuous process. According to Myers (2000) we do not only “sense raw sights and sounds, tastes and smells, we perceive. We don’t just hear a mix of pitches and rhythms, but a child’s cry of pain, the hum of distant traffic, a symphony. We transform sensations into perceptions in order to create meaning”

Theories of perception attempt to explain how we get from sensation (physical) to perception (psychological). They also attempt to provide answers to how you make sense of the information that your senses are receiving. Making sense of experiences is not simply processing information it involves: interpreting, combining, making judgements and sorting out what you know from what you do not know (Twinning, 1998).

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The major issues which the different theories attempt to resolve are: whether our awareness of the worlds objects is determined by information presented to the sensory receptors, so we perceive things in a direct way based on sensory information (bottom-up processing); or whether perception is the end result of a process which begins with the sensory information so we perceive indirectly drawing on our knowledge and expectations of the world (top-down processing) (Gross, 1996).

Gregory (1972 and 1980) associates himself with top-down processing. The essential idea portrayed by Gregory is that perception is constructed. From a constructivist approach, ...

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