Pressured by your friends, compelled by the commercials and required by the rigorous nature of sports you are forced to buy your first pair of high-end footwear.

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5/1/2007                       Just don’t do it !                                                            Vishal Singh

Pressured by your friends, compelled by the commercials and required by the rigorous nature of sports you are forced to buy your first pair of high-end footwear. Selecting this fundamental tool of daily life can be an extremely daunting task as there are so many factors to consider. For one, unless you are part of the “Ritchie Rich” club you might want to take a look at cost. Keep in mind that cost is always directly proportional to how flashy a shoe looks and not how well it performs. The performance and life of shoe always depends on the sport being performed and company of the footwear. The average life of a shoe that’s used daily by the average athlete is anywhere from 5-9 months. A shoe that will give you a good nine months of solid performance is always a fine indication of quality. When determining what company gives you the best quality it always comes down to the two sporting merchandise super-powers, Adidas and Nike. Let me save you the trouble and show you how Adidas leaves its tread marks all over the abysmal Nike competitor.

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        A shoe from Nike is so bad it should just be banned. We’ve all seen the flashy Nike commercials, which just want to make you jump up and run five kilometers to the nearest sporting store to buy a pair of nikes. I too suffered the same fate and gave into my temptation. I had no choice but to go out and buy a pair at a ridiculous sale price, after which I felt broke. I had a hard time getting adjusted to my new shoes and felt as though I were wearing high heels as thick air soles lifted ...

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