Proprioception and the stretch refle

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BM2037 – Physiology Practical Shell C

Series C Practical 3

“Proprioception and the stretch reflex”


 The Effect of varying Weight loads on electrical activity

   Skeletal muscle is an organ within the body, which is primarily specialized for contraction.  It is composed of many muscle fiber cells, which are an essential element of the skeletal muscle itself, and is supported by connective tissue which surrounds these fibres.  It is found attached to bones by the means of tendons and is stimulated by somatic motor neurons.

   Skeletal muscles are greatly supplied with many nerves and blood vessels.  The somatic neurons located within skeletal muscle extend from the brain or spinal cord and conclude at a group of muscle fibres.  These nerve cells then branch numerous times so that each branch is able to extend to a different fiber. The capillaries that supply the muscle with oxygen and nutrients also remove heat and waste products generated by muscle metabolism, and are found in abundant quantities.

   The plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber is called the sarcolemma and it contains many tubules known as transverse tubules.  This is the site in which muscle action potentials travel along, rapidly spreading throughout the muscle fiber.  Also within the sarcolemma is the sarcoplasm which is the cytoplasm of the muscle fiber.  Large amounts of glycogen can be found here which can be utilized for the synthesis of ATP.  

   The sarcoplasm contains many small structures known to be myofibrils which are the contractile organelles of the skeletal muscle and are found to be situated along the entire length of a muscle fiber.  These myofibrils are surrounded by another structure known as the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  Within a relaxed muscle fiber the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) stores calcium ions.  When these ions are released from dilated sacs within the SR known as terminal cisterns, it triggers muscle contraction.

   Three different kinds of proteins make up myofibrils, these consist of; contractile proteins which create the force during a contraction, regulatory proteins which affects whether the contraction process is switched on or off and finally structural proteins which keeps the filaments correctly aligned, ensures the myofibril has elasticity and keeps it linked to the sarcolemma.

   To enable these contractile proteins to function accurately a sequence of events need to be undertaken which will then manage the timing and force of a contracting muscle.  This sequence of events is instigated by the action of an α-motor neuron which comes from the spinal cord and ends at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).

   A contraction of a muscle fiber is a result one or more action potentials being transmitted along its sarcolemma and through the system of T tubules.  The action potential occurs at the NMJ, which is the synapse between the somatic motor neuron and the skeletal muscle fiber.  At the site of the NMJ where the motor neuron ends is the axon terminal which is divided into a group of synaptic bulbs.  Within these synaptic bulbs are vesicles containing many molecules of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh).  In the opposing direction, at the region of the sarcolemma is the motor end plate, which is the muscle fiber section of the NMJ.  Each motor end plate contains ACh receptors which then bind with the Ach allowing the spread of the action potential.

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   The electrical activity produced by a motor unit during the process of contraction can be recorded through the skin by the means of an electromyogram (EMG)

      An electromyogram, also referred to as an EMG, is a set of equipment which is able to measure the electrical activity found in contracting muscles.  When a muscle is relaxed it is much harder to detect any electrical activity, whereas in a contracting muscle there can be a great deal of activity detected.  The more forceful the contraction is the greater the activity that can be found within that muscle.  An ...

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