Project report in partial fulfilment for the degree of MSc in Neuroscience August 2008

Janahi Visakan

Supervised by Dr Angela Hodges

Department Of Neuroscience

Institute of Psychiatry

King’s College London

University Of London


Huntington’s disease is an autosomal dominant, inherited neurodegenerative disorder induced by a glutamine expansion repeat at the N-terminal end of the huintingtin protein. These N-terminal fragments of huntingtin aggregate in the nucleus and destroy cells. This genetic disorder is accompanied by motor, cognitive, personality changes and psychiatric symptoms. If the number of glutamine residues increase to more than 37, then this induces an adult, onset gradual progressive neurodegeneration known as HD.The genome of D.discoideum, a social amoeba consists of polyglutamine fragments longer than 40 residues. These long polyglutamine fragments do not confer any toxic effects .In addition the genome sequencing of D.discoideum has demonstrated that this organism is able to withstand a large number of proteins containing long polyglutamine stretches. A synthetically generated CAAX repeat construct was clone d into a mammalian expression vector using the gateway system (Invitrogen) to make an entry clone.Q100 and Q75 repeats in pcDNA-DEST 53, Q62N/pcDNA-DEST53 and gus control vector in pcDNA-DEST 53 were transfected into PC12 cells. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the Q100, Q75 and Q62N constructs showed clear perinuclear aggregates and the gus control vector showed a faint diffuse fuorescence.The perinuclear aggregation of the fusion protein is similar to aggregates observed with human mutant htt.Repeating the transfection experiment could validate my results and support findings in similar studies that have been done in the past.

Table of Contents


1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..4

1.1 Huntington’s Disease………………………………………………………..4

1.2 Genetics of Huntington’s disease………………………………………… 6

1.3 Clinical features of Huntington’s disease………………………………… 8

1.4 Pathology and molecular mechanism of Huntington’s disease………..9

1.5Huntington’s disease mechanism specific to PC12 studies…………….13

1.6 Dictyostelium discoideum………………………………………………….15

2. Aim…………………………………………………………16

3. Methods…………………………………………………………………………18

3.1 Clonase reaction…………………………………………………………..18

3.2 Transformation reaction…………………………………………………..18

3.3 Minipreps……………………………………………………………………19

3.4 Midipreps…………………………………………………………………….20

3.5 Culturing PC12 cells………………………………………………………20

3.6 Transfection………………………………………………………………….21

3.7 Fixing cells for GFP-fusion protein localisation………………………….23

3.8 Testing for GFP fluorescence………………………………………………..23

4.    Results…………………………………………………………………………23

4.1 Concentrations of DNA in Q100 and Q75 in pcDNA-DEST 53………… 24

4.2 Detection of the fusion protein……………………………………………….29

5 Discussion………………………………………………………………………..31

5.1 Validity of results and implications for future research…………………..36

5.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….37

6 References…………………………………………………………………38

7. Acknowledgements………………………………………………….39

1 Introduction

1.1 Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease (HD) is named after George Huntington who was a physician and in 1872 he described it as “hereditary chorea” .The disease has a prevalence of 4.1-8.4 per 100,000 people in the United States. This disorder affects all races and has the greatest prevalence in Europe and North America with 4-8/100,000 affected in Europe. Huntington’s disease (HD) is a type of autosomal dominant, inherited neurodegenerative disorder induced by a glutamine expansion repeat at the N-terminal end of the huntingtin protein (Schilling et al, 1999). These N-terminal fragments of huntingtin aggregate in the nucleus and kill cells (Li et al, 2000).The reason why the HD exon-1 protein enters the nucleus and forms aggregates is that HD exon-1 protein does not have a NLS (Nuclear Localisation Signal).In spinocerebellar ataxia-1, the protein ataxin-1 carries NLS and the deletion of NLS stops ataxin-1 from entering the nucleus. In the same way, the absence of NLS causes HD exon-1 protein to enter the nucleus. Fragments of N-terminal huntingtin enter the nucleus by passive diffusion. Experiments demonstrate that in transgenic mice expressing cDNA encoding an N-terminal fragment (171 amino acids) of huntingtin with 82 glutamine repeats demonstrate loss of coordination, tremors, hypokinesis and abnormal gait and eventually died prematurely (Schilling et al, 1999).These mice showed clear diffuse nuclear labelling, intranuclear inclusions and neuritic aggregates which were all immunoreactive with an antibody to the N-terminus. Transgenic models of HD demonstrate that expanded polyglutamine repeats function to target the mutant huntingtin to the nucleus. Small mutant huntingtin fragments are transferred more efficiently than full length huntingtin (Aronin et al, 1999).The aggregation demonstrates nucleated growth polymerization with a sustained lag phase necessary for the formation of the aggregation nucleus. This is followed by a rapid extension phase and during this phase, there are additional polyglutamine monomers quickly joining the expanding aggregate (Michalik et al, 2003).The production of intranuclear aggregates correlates with disease progression. It is not clear whether the aggregates are toxic or if it is a precursor conformation to the aggregates that is the toxic species. The polyQ (polyglutamine) domain which starts at the 18th amino acid position consists of 11-34 glutamine residues in unaffected people and when the number of glutamine residues increases to more than 37, then this induces an adult onset, gradual progressive neurodegeneration known as Huntington’s disease. A person with 36 to 40 CAG repeats may or may not show signs and symptoms of Huntington’s disease while a person with more than 40 repeats develop HD.When a person contains 100 CAG repeats, the person develops juvenile HD which is a more severe form of the disease. There also seem to be individuals with Juvenile Huntington’s disease who have over 55 CAG repeats and normally inherit the gene from their father (Young et al, 2003).Men have expanded CAG repeats in their sperm. The occurrence of the CAG expansion occurs via slippage during DNA replication. There are 2 proline enriched domains (poly P consisting of 11 and 10 proline residues) which follows the PolyQ domain. Long glutamine expansions are linked with an early age of onset known as Juvenile Huntington’s disease. There is a strong correlation with the expansion length and the severity and onset of the disease.

1.2 Genetics of Huntington’s disease

 Human huntingtin protein (htt) is a large 350 KDa protein containing 3144 amino acids and normal huntingtin is a cytoplasmic protein that is ubiquitously expressed. Wild type huntingtin consists of WW domains and caspase cleavage sites.Huntingtin interacts with a number of proteins including Hap-1 in neural tissue, α-adaptin and P150 subunit of dynactin-dependent vesicular transport of brain derived neurotrophic factor along microtubules.Htt is associated with neurotransmission, axonal transport and neuronal positioning. Normal htt may block apoptosis by binding the pro-apoptotic factor Hip-1 and therefore have anti-apoptotic properties. Cell models of huntingtin expression have demonstrated that wild type huntingtin protects cells from noxious stimuli or from mutant huntingtin.Huntingtin is vital for cell survival through mechanism involving growth factor activation, for example BDNF rescued cells that contain mutant huntingtin.The removal of caspase sites in huntingtin protein is advantageous for cells and wild type huntingtin rescues these cells from mutant induced cell death. The cytoplasmic location of huntingtin allows it to associate with numerous organelles including transport vesicles, synaptic vesicles, microtubules and mitochondria and this increases the chances of normal cellular interactions that might be significant to neurodegeneration.Huntingtin protein(htt) is found in a number of tissues and several brain regions, but neuronal degeneration occurs commonly in striatal and cortical neurons. This develops to a variety of brain regions including the hypothalamus and hippocampus. Htt (huntingtin protein) contains HEAT repeats (a huntingtin elongation factor β, a subunit of protein phosphatase 2A and TOCI).It is not entirely sure what the precise function of the htt protein is. Within nerve cells, huntingtin is associated in signalling, transporting materials, binding proteins and other structures and protecting against programmed cell death. The 5’end of the HD gene consists of a sequence of three bases, cytosine-adenine-guanosine which codes for the amino acid glutamine which is repeated many times. This region is called a trinucleotide repeat. The HD gene is positioned on the short (p) arm of chromosome 4 at position 16.3 from base pair 3,113,411 to base pair 3,282,655.The htt gene consists of 67 exons.

Experiments done on gene-targeted mouse models show that homozygous knockout mice die at embryonic day 7.5 and this demonstrates that htt plays a significant function in embryonic development (Li et al, 2004).In adult animals, the deletion of htt in forebrain and testis causes tissue destruction. These experiments implicate that htt is important for cell survival and that a loss of function of htt can be associated with neurodegeneration.There is also evidence that a gain of function involved with the expanded polyQ domain plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of HD (Li et al, 2004).A mechanism of cell death in Huntington’s disease needs to appreciate the fact that unaffected neurons also display the mutant protein. The absence of wild type htt does not result in a disease phenotype. Patients homozygous for HD have a phenotype common to hemizygous patients. Males and females inherit HD with equal frequency (Petersen et al, 1998).The CAG repeat is situated within the coding sequence, 17 codons downstream of the initiator ATG in exon 1 of the 67 exon gene.

1.3 Clinical features of Huntington’s disease

 Huntington’s disease is accompanied by motor, personality changes, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms. Symptoms develop slowly and the symptoms at first are very subtle and it is difficult to distinguish this from the patient’s normal behaviour. Symptoms appear between 35 and 45 years of age. In adult onset HD, within 15-20 years of onset, the disease always leads to death .Juvenile HD progresses more quickly and can lead to death within 7-10 years from disease onset. The cognitive disruptions usually start with a slowing of intellectual processes and a decrease in mental flexibility which results in full-blown dementia .Emotional disturbances usually accompany the absence of cognitive functions with depression and manic depressive behaviour (Petersen et al, 1998).Personality changes such as irritability and apathy are associated with the psychiatric symptoms. Motor symptoms are perhaps the most disturbing features of HD for the affected patient as well as the family. The earliest clinical sign of HD may be as a result of cell dysfunction that occurs before overt cell loss. The motor changes that are commonly seen in HD are loss of coordination of voluntary movements as well as involuntary movements. These include chorea and dystonia.Chorea is a state of excessive, spontaneous movements that are irregularly timed, randomly distributed and abrupt. These include rapid uncontrolled movement of limbs and distal muscles and involuntary movements of proximal muscles of the trunk. Voluntary movements become much uncoordinated. Dystonia is a disease that consists of sustained muscle contractions which cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures.Dystonic movements could be slow and writhing. In juvenile HD, rigidity, fast abrupt movements, resting tremor and epileptic seizures are the most common symptoms. In addition, there is a reduction of body weight in all HD patients and an absence of muscle bulk even if there is increased calorie intake. The absence of muscle bulk is due to enhanced energy expenditure as a result of involuntary movements or a reduction in gastrointestinal absorption or maybe it arises due to an underlying metabolic disturbance (Petersen et al, 1998).

1.4 Pathology and molecular mechanism of Huntington’s disease

The pathological abnormalities associated with Huntington’s disease are confined to the central nervous system and the caudate putamen and deep layers of the cerebral cortex are the most affected (Schilling et al, 1999).In the striatum there seems to be absence of medium spiny neurons and presence of huntingtin accumulations. The striatum is a part of the brain that coordinates movement. There are also huntingtin accumulations in the cortex and neurites.In HD patients, extensive neuropathological effects occur within the neostriatum.There is exaggerated atrophy of the caudate nucleus and putamen and this is associated with selective neuronal loss and astrogliosis.There is also atrophy in regions including the globus pallidus,thalamus,subthalamic nucleus,substantia nigra and cerebellum. The cleavage of mutant huntingtin appears before aggregation and neuropathological consequences. There is clearly cell loss within a group of neurons in the basal ganglia and cortex. During the advanced stages of HD, there is a 60 % reduction in the cross-sectional area of the corpus striatum. There is also a decrease in atrophy of the neocortex.The decrease in striatal volume leads to a 30 % reduction in the weight of the brain.

GABAergic medium-sized spiny neurons which make up 95% of all striatal neurons in the neostriatum are the most affected. These are neurons that innervate the substantia nigra and globus pallidus and consist of enkephalin, dynoprphin and substance P.In the cerebral cortex precisely in layer VI; large neurons are the most disrupted. These neurons innervate mainly to thalamus, claustum and other regions of the cerebral cortex. In cortical layers V and VI, fragments of huntingtin were found to be located in dystrophic neurites of neurons in juvenile HD patients. But dystrophic neurites occur more in adult onset HD. There is also atrophy of the lateral tuberal nucleus of the hypothalamus and amygdala and some thalamic nuclei demonstrate moderate atrophy. In patients with Juvenile Huntington’s disease, nuclear inclusions are predominantly found in the cortex and striatum (Aronin et al, 1999).Studies in HD brain have revealed there are more inclusions in the cortex than in the striatum. Cortical and striatal neurites consist of numerous aggregates. It has also been demonstrated that HD brains consist of differential loss of projection neurons containing enkephalin, adenosine A2a and dopamine D2 receptors in comparison to cells containing substance P, dynorphin and dopamine D1 receptors. In early HD brain, neuropil aggregates come before the production of intranuclear aggregates. It has been known that the degeneration of neuronal processes is associated with formation of neuropil aggregates in vivo. The malfunction of molecules or proteins that are vital for sustaining neuronal processes may be due to the absence of normal neurite outgrowth in 150Q cells (Li et al, 1999).There are three main mechanisms that may underlie the pathogenesis of HD.One mechanism is that the mutated htt gene might not be transcribed which causes a reduction in active protein to levels that are insufficient to perform vital cellular functions. Another mechanism is that a protein might be translated but is incapable to perform its activities and suppress the activities of normal huntingtin protein. Finally another mechanism is the protein might alter its function or non-specifically render the cells less hardy(Aronin et al,1999).One hypothesis for the molecular mechanism of Huntington’s disease is the expanded polyglutamine modifies the protein conformation which causes aberrant protein interactions and in addition interactions of expanded polyglutamine with cellular proteins consisting of short polyglutamine tracts such as CBP.CBP is a transcriptional coactivator CREB binding protein and it was found that CBP was existent in polyglutamine aggregates in HD cell culture models, HD transgenic mice and human HD post-mortem brain(Frederick et al,2001). These expanded polyglutamine tracts specifically interfere with CBP stimulated gene transcription and this interference constitutes a genetic gain of function which may underlie the pathogenesis of Huntington’s disease (Frederick et al, 2001). The pathogenesis of HD is linked with loss of function (loss of anti-apoptotic activity) and a gain of function which arises from polyQ expansion.Proteolytic cleavage of mutant htt occurs. There is increasing evidence that proteins with expanded polyglutamine aggregates destroy cells through apoptotic pathways. It was demonstrated that the suppression of caspase-1 can slow the progression of Huntington’s disease but it was not shown that R6/2 HD transgenic mice demonstrate clear neurodegeneration.Therefore early apoptotic events maybe associated with the neuropathology of these HD mice. Studies have demonstrated that intranuclear huntingtin causes the stimulation of caspase-3 and the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria in cultured cells. Substantial evidence shows that intranuclear huntingtin increases caspase-1 activation which increases caspase-3 expression and therefore induces apoptotic events (Li et al, 2000).Caspases cleave mutant htt and produce polyQ fragments that aggregate more easily and are more toxic than the whole mutant htt protein. The production of polyQ htt fragments is a rate-limiting step in the pathogenesis of HD.PolyQ expanded htt does not bind the pro-apoptotic factor, Hip-1 as efficiently. This loss of function permits the production of Hip-1:Hippi(Hip-1 protein interactor) heterodimers that assist with caspase-8 and caspase-3 stimulation that eventually leads to apoptosis.Excitotoxicity could possibly play a vital role in HD pathogenesis.Excitotoxicty defines the neurotoxic effect that excitatory amino acids exert and eventually destroy neurons at the injection site(Petersen et al,1998).It has been shown that intrastriatal injections of an endogenous brain metabolite,quinolinic acid which is a NMDA receptor agonist generates lesions which are similar in appearance to HD pathology.Striatal projection neurons are only affected. In contrast, striatal interneurons consisting of somatostatin, neuropepetide Y and NADPH diaphorase are not affected. Initially medium-sized GABAergic spiny efferent neurons projecting from the striatum to globus pallidus and pars reticula of the substantia nigra and the depletion of NMDA receptors in HD striatum demonstrate that NMDA-receptor-mediated-excitotoxicity has an important role in HD.It has been observed that in the  lateral tuberal nucleus there is a strong correlation between presence of NMDA receptors and occurrence of neuronal destruction in HD.The lateral tuberal nucleus is involved in appetite regulation in humans and the lesion plays a role in weight reduction seen in patients with HD(Kremer et al,1992).Excitotoxicity could also be as a result of decreased uptake of glutamate by glial cells. There are 4 distinct glutamate transporters. One which is the glutamate-aspartate transporter, glutamate transporter 1, excitatory amino acid carrier 1 and excitatory amino acid transporter. Defective glutamate transporters are vital components in HD.There has also been evidence that there is decreased GLT1 mRNA expression in glial cells in putamen in HD brains and there is an enhanced level of cells consisting of GLT-1 in whole striatum due to astrogliosis.How this is associated with the initiation or progression of HD is unclear(Petersen et al,1998).There have been evidence that oxidative stress, impaired energy metabolism and apoptosis play a role in inducing the pathogenic features of HD.The excess of oxidative free radicals can induce oxidative stress. This may arise as a consequence of excitotoxicity and can initiate apoptosis and lead to neuronal cell death in HD.The impairment of energy metabolism decrease the threshold for glutamate toxicity and can result in  activation of excitotoxic mechanisms and in addition to an increased production of reactive oxygen species, this can induce a  slow excitotoxic neuronal death.

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1.5 Huntington’s disease mechanism specific to PC12 studies

The presence of intranuclear mutant huntingtin causes multiple cellular defects in PC12 cells (Wyttenbach et al, 2001). Intranuclear mutant huntingtin can interact with other nuclear molecules and by interfering with gene expression result in multiple cellular defects.

Stable inducible neuronal PC12 cell lines that express GFP-tagged huntingtin exon 1 were created with 23, 43, 53 and 74 CAG repeat lengths (Wyttenbach et al, 2001).The PC12 cell lines displayed many of the features of HD seen in vivo. The polyQ expansion is linked with aggregate formation with an EM structure similar to that ...

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