Psychoanalysis, like psychology, studies mind and behaviour in a very radical yet structural and in depth manner. The difference between the two, however, is that psychology considers the conscious processes as opposed to psychoanalysis, which also concerns itself with the unconscious. The concept of the unconscious arose from Sigmund Freud's creation of the psychodynamic approach to personality. Freud once likened personality to an iceberg with the visible tip above the surface of the water and a large part remaining hidden underneath (Bernstein,1997). From this simplistic introduction to classical psychoanalysis subsequent theories have evolved. Alongside these theories developments in therapeutic technique have arisen, which both coincide with and are a contrast to Freud's original theory. This relationship between classical psychoanalysis and its contemporary variations will be examined, paying particular attention to geo analysis, interpersonal therapy and object relations therapy.

Freud opened his extensive career in psychoanalysis with a background in medicine and a period of research at the Institute of Cerebral Anatomy. It was an interest in nervous diseases, which led him to work with a man named Charcot in Paris, who was considering the idea of hysteria (Patterson and Watkins,1996).

Hysteria can be described as the root from which psychoanalysis grew and through which Freud produced three systems: ego, id and superego. Freud perceived the ego as a mediator between the id's desire, the superego's moral dictates and the external world. In Freud's words, the ego is a "...poor creature owing service to three masters and consequently menaced by several dangers"(Freud,1923,p.82), hysteria being the product of this conflict the ego continually faces.

Freud used psychoanalysis, gradually constructed during the late nineteenth century, in order to explain, examine, ease and eradicate the unconscious conflicts as well as their effects upon the individual. This practice became widely known as classical psychoanalysis, due to modifications and alterations since as early as 1910 (Patterson and Watkins,1996).

The dilemma for Freudian psychoanalysis is that although this field produces insightful and theoretically valid results, it fails to significantly prove them. Freud's various methods of analytical investigation are often criticised for their lack of empirical evidence and unreliability. "Much as Freud desired it otherwise, psychoanalysis simply does not and cannot fit within the empiricist or rationalist models of science or knowledge" (Flax,1990,p.66). This has created a trend for theorists in psychoanalysis to move away from Freud and classical psychoanalysis in an attempt to develop alternative theories and therapies. The aim of these pioneers is to discover a better, more analytical tool than that of hysteria; the inspiration behind psychoanalysis that was later discarded by Freud because of its complexity.
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Freudian psychoanalysis, though extensively criticised and not as prevalent (Jensen, Bergin and Graves,1990), is a strong foundation upon which contemporary psychoanalytic theories have been built. Freud himself said, towards then end of his life, "Looking back, then, over the patchwork of my life's labours, I can say that I have made many beginnings and thrown out many suggestions. Something will come of them in the future, though I cannot myself tell whether it will be much or little. I can, however, express a hope that I have opened up a pathway for an important advance in our knowledge" ...

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