Sport and Exercise psychology

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Richard Aldridge

Unit3: Sport and Exercise psychology

Unit3: Sport and Exercise psychology


Our assignment is based upon personality, behaviour and how they affect sports performance. This essay will cover all of the personality theories and examples of them in sporting situations; it will also cover the various measures of personality and how they can predict performance in sport. It will also define and identify the main causes of aggression.

Personality theories

Personality is the study of human differences/human diversity. It is a set of characteristics that contribute to an individual’s uniqueness. Our personality describes how we behave and what decisions we make within a game situation.

Sheldon’s Constitutional theories (1942)

One of the first attempts at a theory of personality was Sheldon’s constitutional theory, which related personality to soma type. Sheldon believed that different body shapes created different personalities.

Endomorph – sociable, friendly, fun loving

Mesmomorph – Outgoing, confident, risk taking, adventure loving

Ectomorph – Tense, shy, introverted, socially inhibited  

This theory had gathered some folklore validity in that we use our first impressions to make assumptions about peoples personalities. We use things such as physique, clothing, hairstyle, tattoos and other types of visual information to make an assessment upon what a person will be like and in what way they will behave. Within sport certain body types are attracted to different sports as their body type may make them successful in that particular sport. For example within sport long distance runner tend to be more of a ectomorph structure and we could see them as being shy and introverted as many of the hours training are spent alone and on an individual basis. Footballers and rugby players are predominantly mesmomorphic due to amount of physical contact their sport requires.  These people tend to be extroverted and group centred. Shot putters are usually of an endomorph build in order to get maximum power from their throw.

Trait theory

Trait theory is based on the idea of someone’s personality being the sum of several traits that cause an individual to behave in a certain manner. These traits can be seen as being enduring and consistent behaviours across a range of situations. This means that we will always act the same in each situation due to our genetics and our inherited traits. These traits could then be used to predict how a person would behave in any given situation. For example in football if the one team had a player who was easily wound up and the other team new this from past experiences then they could predict how he would react to being wound up and they could try to get him sent off, Robbie Savage is often using this to exploit the opposition.

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Hans Eysencks personality inventory (1965)

Eysenck used a questionnaire to assess personality through two different dimensions. He called the four areas “types” and highlighted the typical traits each type could exhibit. Morgan and Costil (1972) used Eysencks research and found that long distance runners were mainly introverted and Eysenck (1982) found that extrovert proffered things such as football, which were faster, and more action occurred.  

Hollanders view of personality

This is s a combination of behavioural and cognitive methods of assessment. He stated that personality is structured in three levels.

Level 1 – ...

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