Viewing behaviors from different perspective.

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Viewing Behaviors From Different Perspective

In psychology, there are five perspectives which help us to make up explanations for different behaviors or reactions of people. They are biological, behavioral, cognitive, psychoanalytic and phenomenological perspective. In the following essay, I am going to explain the five perspectives in five familiar behavioral patterns.

In case 1, most college students will feel anxiety when they take a test. This can be explained by cognitive perspective. Cognitive perspective focuses on mental processes, that is the things happened in our mind which is not observable. As most college students have quite a lot to study for the tests, and our short-term memory is limited. Thus, they cannot memorize all the materials, so they will feel anxiety. Furthermore, students will expect their results would be bad, so they feel anxiety when they take a test.

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        In case 2, a large number of people are so fearful of snakes that we would consider them to have a phobia. This case reflects the behavioral perspective. Behavioral perspective focuses on observable activities, stimulus and response. According to case 2, the stimulus will be snakes and the response will be phobia. But how can the fear of snakes turn into a phobia? If the reaction of snakes fear is first rewarded, their behaviors will be reinforced and thus they will be more likely to express their fearful responses. For example, a girl first sees a snake and then she ...

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