Simulated Water Stresses on Early

Plant Development






Appendix I - Plan                                                                                            

Appendix II – Trial Plan                                                                                              



As evidence for global warming continues to accumulate, various regions of the planet are already succumbing to drought - causing crops to fail and leading to widespread famine. Understanding the limits of a crop’s water tolerance, and how minute changes in water concentration in soil can affect plant growth could be useful in predicting the future success of crops which may undergo water stress.


To investigate water stresses in plant development, namely the roots (possible behaviour changes due to limited water in the growth medium) and the stem (a general measure of a plant’s capacity to grow, particularly in the early stages of development).


Water’s Role in Plants

More than ninety percent of a plant’s mass is water – it is an essential substance in the role of plant life. Water is important in all aspects of plant development and functioning, being an essential component of photosynthesis, the fundamental chemical behind transpiration,  solvents for minerals from the roots and sugars from the leaves, mediums for vital chemical reactions (some of which involve water molecules themselves – hydrolysis and condensation reactions) and in maintaining cell turgor in various plant tissues[1]. Plants need sufficient water to survive and even germinate, without it they suffer water stress and grow less efficiently if not at all, depending upon specific requirements and specializations of each species.

Plant Roots

Most plants acquire water through their roots, which is one of their primary functions. Roots generally grow where enough water and mineral nutrients can be found in soil or another medium, with the apical meristem (tip of primary root - originating for the radicle of the seed - composed of undifferentiated root cells) leading elongated/primary root growth[2]. There are two categories of root system, taproot and fibrous; taproots have a dominant primary root with a single axis – fibrous secondary roots grow out laterally from there, and diffuse roots which have no dominant primary roots as the whole system branches out underground[2][3].


Roots acquire water through osmosis, which require the concentration of water outside the root cells’ cell membranes to be higher than that within the root tissues themselves – establishing an osmotic gradient as water will diffuse from the soil (or other growth medium) into the root cells. Water is always drawn into the roots when not part of a solution in the growth medium, as there are fewer water molecules inside the cells and so there are more collisions between the cell membrane and water molecules outside the cell, leading to a net flow of water into the cells. There is a set likelihood of this happening on both sides of the cell, but when the water outside the cell acts as a solvent - with other  larger molecules dissolved within it (such as sodium chloride, sucrose, etc) this likelihood changes. Fewer water molecules are present per unit volume and therefore fewer collisions with the membrane will occur. Equilibrium will be achieved but it may result in water leaving the root cells and entering the soil or reduced water entering the cells but not enough to facilitate diffusion upwards via the xylem[4].


Mannitol, or 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexanehexol, is a sugar and an alcohol/polyol. It cannot be metabolized by plants or humans[6]. It has been used in previous scientific investigations to simulate water stress in plants[5][6], and can only be absorbed across the cell membrane slowly and to a very limited extent compared to other osmotica used for similar purposes such as ethylene glycol[7]. At room temperature it is readily soluble, over 20g/100ml water at 25ºC[8].

From research information, it is viable to experiment with mannitol in aqueous solution to cause water stress in plants, using varying concentrations to test for changes across the populations treated. The mannitol will alter the water concentration outside the root cells, simulating a drier environment outside the membranes. Due to the essential roles that water has in plant life, it is highly likely that some physical changes will be apparent from the water stresses.


Increased water stress simulated by increased mannitol concentration will affect planet development.

Null Hypothesis

Increasing water stress stimulated by increased mannitol concentration will not affect plant development.


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Table 1 – Experiment 1 Results

Table 2 – Experiment 2 Results


Due to the continuous variation of results within each population, the mean was taken from each in both experiments so as to provide a summary value for the length of plant growth and number of new roots developed in each concentration of mannitol solution, respectively. The mean was the most appropriate method of averaging as there were ...

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