What are Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes?

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What are Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes?

Lymphocytes are one of the five types of white blood cells circulating in the blood. Although they look very similar they are extraordinarily diverse in their functions. The most abundant forms are B and T cells. The B cells are produced and mature in the bone marrow. In comparison the precursors of T cells leave the bone marrow and mature in the Thymus. B and T cells are specific to particular antigens (they are able to recognise and bind to precise molecular structures via receptors).

Most of the T cells in the body belong to one of two subsets. These are distinguished by the presence on their surface of one or the other of two glycoproteins designated:

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  • CD4 
  • CD8 

Which of these molecules is present determines what types of cells the T cell can bind to.

  • CD8+ T cells bind epitopes that are part of class I histocompatibility molecules. Almost all the cells of the body express class I molecules.
  • CD4+ T cells bind epitopes that are part of class II histocompatibility molecules. Only specialized antigen-presenting cells express class II molecules. These include:dendritic cells, phagocytic cells like macrophages and B cells!

CD8+ T cells

The best understood CD8+ T cells are cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). They secrete molecules that ...

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