What are the advantages and disadvantages of using DNA sequence data for assessing relationships between the major groups of land plants?

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Chris Holland        Jesus College


What are the advantages and disadvantages of using DNA sequence data for assessing relationships between the major groups of land plants?

The relationships between land plants, particularly the lower levels of the Bryophytes and the origins of the Angiosperms, has been a highly contested debate throughout the history of plant sciences. The introduction of molecular analysis of the relationships between these major groups, in the form of DNA sequence data, has revolutionised the subject in the last twenty years. It has affected the key aspects of plant phylogeny. Robust and unequivocal interactions have been identified confirming the phylogenetic tree, although it’s intricacies and temporal detail is still far from complete. Although it may seem that DNA sequence data is the answer to these problems there are still things that require morphological evidence, a practice that is as old as plant sciences itself. This essay will outline the contributions made by DNA sequencing data to plant phylogeny and its limitations.

The taxonomy of the land plants and subsequent theories of their evolution has been investigated for the past two centuries, however the contributions of Linnaeus in 1753 laid a sound foundation for future study of the subject. Morphological data has been accumulating steadily for the past 250 years, but for the first 100 it mainly concerned the question of taxonomy. Dawson initiated a more important question regarding the “roots” of relationships between plants in 1859. Dawson described several early Devonian plants from Canada and Scotland and interpreted these early fossils as primitive vascular plants showing a degree of morphological simplicity unknown in extant groups. This began to give hints at the evolution of land plants, but the first detailed evidence was provided by Bowers’ work on the anatomy of primitive Pteridophytes in Rhynie Chert in 1920. This bridged the diversity between the bryophytes and the Tracheophytes and gave rise to the creation of a monophyletic hypothesis for the evolution of land plants. Up until the 80’s studies of Devonian macrofloras increased rapidly but the evolutionary interpretations were based on stratiographic patterns that did not hold up under closer scrutiny. With the advent of molecular biology and the availability DNA sequencing techniques, using DNA sequences to infer evolutionary and taxonomic patterns started to take hold. This was because the new techniques offered a lot of advantages over the previous methods.

Much of our current knowledge about plant phylogeny stems from classification, which in turn is based on morphology. Morphology uses phenetic characteristics to group and classify, resulting in inherent problems. Firstly the characteristics used to create the classification must be decided. The definition of characters is prone to subjectivity. Quoting Smith (1994) “different workers will perceive and define different characters in different ways”. This has had grave implications on the creation of phylogenetic trees. Doyle and Donoghue [1] whilst studying the role the Gnetales play in macroevolution stated that with slightly different characters, the relative parsimony of the two arrangements (referring to the nesting of Gnetales near the Angiosperms or the Coniferopsids) could of easily been reversed. In that context their approach was admitted to be overly optimistic in modelling how well a hypothetical student of extant groups would analyse characters. This plasticity in interpretation does not give rise to sound phylogenies.  

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There is a limitation in morphology to the number of characters that can be studied before the characters become too specific. Studies have shown that increasing the amount of characters provides a higher accuracy for the construction of a tree [2]. There is a point where additional morphological characters add little extra value (due to specificity) and the important factor is the quality of the data rather than the quantity. This limitation is compounded by the number of characters that are subject to homoplasy (similarity due to parallel or convergent evolution); this is especially prevalent when investigating the relationships ...

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