
Simone M Brady


Dr. Hoffman

August 31, 2005


     Biodiversity will inevitably take a beating. Humans care about nothing but themselves even though every action a human makes effects another organism in some way, shape or form, whether the effect is positive or negative. The world is past due for a change in attitude and activity on this planet in order to ensure more positive effects are practiced because biodiversity sustains all life on earth. This paper will discuss biodiversity and the effects human have on it.  


     Biodiversity is the variety of life here on Earth. Variety includes the many different micro-organisms, plants, animals, genes and ecosystems living beneath the biosphere, (Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2005), and can be subdivided into three parts; genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity (National Biological Information Infrastructure, n.d.), with its main focus being the species (Wright, 2005). Biodiversity, originally known as biological diversity has taken on a few descriptions, with the main issues being conservation value. To some, conservation may apply to all species, to others conservation may apply to a specific species and is called biospecifics. Yet to some, biodiversity concerns the maintenance of ecosystem processes and is called bio-processes (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2003).  

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     Climate change is impacting biodiversity, and human activities are the cause. Unfortunately, climate change will soon threaten (Bird Life International, 2005) all biodiversity with such a rapid change that reversal of the damage done will be impossible. “Changes in phenology and distribution detected among almost 500 species are overwhelmingly in the direction predicted from climate change” (Bird Life International, 2005). Many species will become extinct, as burning fossil fuels is a major reason for the climate change and a 2 Celsius change will be more than some species can bear for breeding purposes.  


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This piece of work shows an awareness of the main points that should be considered in writing an answer, but in several cases lacks the detail expected from a serious undergraduate essay. Based on the other pieces of work submitted by this student it appears that there was a word count set, and so it would be unfair to criticise too harshly the lack of detail. However it should be noted that merely listing key points is not sufficient. Each new area should be clearly defined, and backed up with biological examples, preferably from the peer-reviewed literature. As a short piece of work, where only 700 words were allowed, this would receive 3 stars / 5. If no word count were given then significantly more detail would be required.