What is human development? Discuss the roles of maturation and learning in human development.

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Question: What is human development? Discuss the roles of maturation and learning in human development.


Since human beings appear in the world, the evolution of them is developed continuously. We can’t use any kinds of methods to explain and research this deepen evolution. However, we can use the certain theories to analyze it in logical concept. There is psychology.

Human development can be divided to five theoretical perspectives in psychology. There are cognitive, biological, behavioral, psychoanalytic and humanistic. We will discuss the cognitive, behavioral and biological. They have many aspects and examples of their theories, so we can understand what is the human development of their researches easily.

Subsequently, we also can know the role of learning and maturation. They are closely relationship. We will use some examples to find out the relationship of them.

What is the human development

Human beings are the scientific study of how people change and how they stay the same over time. The change is most obvious in childhood but occurs throughout life span. It takes two forms. There are quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative change is a change in the number or amount of something. It can measure by unit, such as height and weight. The qualitative change is a change in kind, structure, or organization, such as the nature of a person’s intelligence, the ways the mind works.

The development is influenced by the interaction of maturation and experience. The debate over the role of maturation and experience is another version of the nature-nurture controversy. It originally focused on describing behavior in order to derive age norm. Skinner is behavioral theoretical perspective in psychology. He argued that the human development enables to understand behavioral processes would help us to predict what people would do in a given situation. It can arrange circumstances to control behavior1.

The human development draws on many disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, education and medicine. However, it also has five perspectives in psychology on human development. There are cognitive, biological, behavioral, psychoanalytic and humanistic. We discuss the biological and cognitive development below.

Biological development

The biological development is the part of changes in the body, the brain, sensory capacities, and motor skills. They exert a major influence on both intellect and personality. ‘Much of an infant’s knowledge of the world comes from the senses and from motor activity. A child who has a hearing loss is at risk of delayed language development2.’ The people want to do anything from their ability before the growth of body reaches maturation gradually. ‘Maturation refers to the process by which development is governed by intrinsic factors-principally the genes, which determine the sequence, timing and form of emerging action patterns3.

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Many psychologists divided the human life span into eight periods. There are prenatal, infancy and toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, late adulthood. In particular, the changes of mind and body grow from infancy to adolescence rapidly. As a result, many psychologists interest in it. So we explain and analyze on the period of adolescence in biological development.

‘Adolescence lasts almost a decade, from about age 12 or 13 until the late teens or early twenties. Neither its beginning nor its end point is clearly marked. Adolescence is generally considered to begin with puberty, ...

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