'A happy worker is a productive worker' Discuss with reference to motivational theories.

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'A Happy Worker Is A Productive Worker'

Discuss with reference to motivational theories.

In this essay I will be considering whether or not a happy worker is a productive worker. Also, I will be discussing whether being happy is the only factor that can motivate an individual at work. Workers can be motivated in various ways, this will be explained in this essay. It is noticed that a happy worker provides a better service to its customers, rather than an unhappy worker. Being able to give good customer service is important, especially in the Tourism industry. In this industry employees have to come face to face on a regular or daily basis, and it is significant that they show and provide an excellent service. This can involve good body language, oral communication, listening to the customer and having eye contact to show an interest in what the customer is saying. A good service culture includes appreciation for a good service by the internal and external customer.

There are a number of theories that can relate as to whether or not a happy worker is productive. Managers in an organisation may have to find ways to motivate an individual, this can be through extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. Hence, the employee being happy from these rewards will be more productive. It is argued that some individuals have needs which need to be fulfilled, also work conditions can depend whether upon a worker is productive. Individuals may also have goals that they want to achieve in their job, and being motivated will help achieve this.

Firstly, Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs relates to individual needs. The hierarchy involves five stages starting at physiological needs such as, food and water leading to self-actualisation. According to Maslow an individual fulfils one stage before moving to the next. If a stage is not fulfilled then they are motivated to fulfil this, this relates to an individual at work. Managers motivate their workers by making them aware of unfulfilled stages and may provide incentives to motivate them, which could lead to them being more productive. He believes there is no relationship between job satisfaction and improved work performance. However, Maslow's theory was criticised by Alderfer. He redefined Maslow's hierarchy into three groups, which were existence, relatedness, and growth (ERG). This theory believes that if one need is not fulfilled then an individual is still able to move to the next need. While Maslow's theory is useful, it does not help managers come up with ways to motivate employees. It is assumed that satisfying the needs will result in increased motivation and productivity but this is not always the case.
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Secondly, Mayo carried out the 'Hawthorne study' in a western electrical company in Chicago from 1927-1932. It was based on scientific management, and he wanted to see whether personal satisfactions were met and if it maximised productivity. The workers hours, lighting and heating were altered and then their productivity was measured. It was noticed that there was little or no effect on their productivity, because the workers had good cohesion and communication in groups, which motivated them to work together. However, the idea of workplace consensus may not always exist and this could be biased towards management. Workers ...

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