Advanced professional development - managers and leadership.

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Advanced Professional Development

  1. Personal and Professional skills

1.1 Improvement of the professional skills

Manager vs Leader

Leader is the broader term and is completely different from the manager. A leader can be comparable with the manager in the following ways.

Leaders have followers by nature whereas the manager has subordinates. Leader will try to initiate the process or operation and go according to that whereas the manager will follow the process which was designed by the company and try to fulfill that before the deadline.

Time management:

A manager will have to manage the time according to the work deadline whereas the leader will create the deadlines and will manage the work and time. Money is generated by the business through the effective utilization of the time and labor. A leader will effectively make use of the labor or the followers and finish the work according to the resources available to him or her. A manager will have to design the work schedule according to the time available to him.

Presentation skills:

The manager, who has the good presentation skills, will impress the subordinates and team members so as to finish up the job. The manager will express and represent own ideas in the meetings bringing forth the organization’s goals and objectives in designing the work schedule. But a leader will motivate and make the leaders with his or her presentation skills. Though in a company, the leader expresses the feelings according to the cause, the leader will also try to train the employees into the future leaders with his productive presentation skills by attracting and motivating them.

Conducting meetings:

The managers will schedule the meetings according to the work requirements and thus will create a vacuum till the start of the meeting whereas the leaders will have the inherited skills according to their nature and will conduct the meetings whenever they wanted to educate the people regarding some matter. The ability of the leader over the manager in conducting the meetings and attracting the people is competitive.

Stress management:

The effective handling of the stress will correctly handle the work pressure. A manager will reduce the stressed environment in the team and thus plan the work according to a schedule. A leader will make the subordinates to make up their mind against the stress and will help in making them stress fighters. This will increase the throughput of the followers and thus increase the productivity of the organization.

1.2 Improvement of the personal skills

Time management

In order to manage time, a manager should design short term and long term goals and this schedule need to be followed perfectly so as to develop a discipline in the team. Manager should be punctual to the office and this habit will be a model for the teammates. If a manager is not particular about the time, then the subordinates may follow the same schedule and thus this will spoil the entire work environment of the company. The manager should fix personal as well as the project deadlines to the sub ordinates to make them work according to the schedule and complete the jobs before the deadlines. This will not only improve the punctuality but also dedication in the employees.

A manager needs this skill to schedule the work with sufficient time and thus accomplish the deadline according to the schedule. Also, this will reduce the stress in the work place.

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Running Meetings

A good manager should manage the meetings as they are the better ways to interact with each other in the organization. And effectively managing the meeting is even crucial to the organization as the meetings, if handed in a wrong way, will create wastage of the resources like money, time and the slowdown of the work. The manager should schedule the meeting according to the availability of the employees and with an agenda. Whether the meeting is a formal or informal, the agenda of the meeting should be followed strictly and the outcomes will be measured by the ...

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