Economics Essay week 9                                    Rozenblat Oleg 0902619

“Why might a business pursue other objectives besides the objective of maximizing profits? What objectives other than profit maximization might a firm pursue? Is this possible in a competitive world?” (Week 7)

Business activity is usually based on aims and objectives, which indicates where business wants to go in the future. Main objectives are goals of the business which are set up by the company’s owners or managing director so the stakeholder groups such as employees, managers, customers and suppliers may understand the business preferences and basis for the action of the business. Many economists and business representatives will argue that the main objective of any Private sector business is Profit maximization.

Objectives bring to the business specific targets and managers would create and adopt a strategies and tactics to reach these targets. Usually business will apply measurable targets to follow. For example, to achieve a particular amount of sales, for a period of time or to get some percentage of market share.  However, depends on the market, business operates in, it may adopt a specific objectives, related only to a business. These are more related to a tactics, because reaching these objectives will lead to an advantage in competition. A god example might be when business wants to reach 80% capacity utilization of its premises, factory, machinery etc. First of all it means that they are aiming to sell all their output, and receive more profit, but also good capacity utilization will lead to a greater degree of efficiency, as far as business will benefit from economies of scale and bring it unit costs lower, which is the one way to be more competitive.  Sometimes, management of the business sets unachievable or not realistic objectives, such as to get to sales of £200,000 in August when there were sales of £100,000 in July. These objectives are not realistic and are likely to demotivate the workforce as far as they already know that they will not achieve business objectives.

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As I have already outlined, many individuals, who has any interest in business activity, will argue, that the main objective of any business is to maximize the profit. Generally speaking, from the point of economics, Enterprise is one of four factors of production which takes risk by investing into the business activity in order to make a profit and earn from investment. However, this aim is not the case for every single business. Good examples might be charities, educational and health establishments’ voluntary organizations and public sector corporations. These are run not only to generate a profit but also to ...

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