Critical Themes and Perspective on Management Organization and Strategy

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Critical Themes and Perspective on Management Organization and Strategy

To start with, the classical management perspective relied heavily on the placing of tasks and activities on the middle and lower tiers within the organization. It focused more on carrying out the tasks at the lower levels and as such there was less accountability and answering when it came to the top management hierarchy present within the organization and indeed running the whole show. The classical management theory has completely faded out and the contemporary management perspective has outdated it on all counts. At the present, the mainstream management theory has failed to live up to the hype that was created in its name and the critical aspects can originate from such an undertaking within the management changeover processes. Thus mainstream management theory has pretty much put an end to the age old thinking mindset yet failed to address the relevant issues all said and done. (Cyert & March, 1963)

Since mainstream management theory has come about due to the evolution of certain measures within the management regimes, it is a fact that the changing times have seen that the business world has evolved drastically and with that the different methodologies and the ways through which management regimes are carried out. Individuals need to realize the fact that business is a consistently changing world and in this context only the people who are ready to adapt themselves would be seen as successful. Therefore change is the only constant, in the world and in business scheme of things, changing to suit the will and desire of the customers a or stakeholders as well as doing one last bit to bring in more revenues and profits for the company just plays the right trick for the business to succeed both in the short term as well as in the long run. (Lamb, 2005) Management in terms of the mainstream thinking is thus being carried out by such organizations which stagnate over a period of time and does not change because of one pressure. The ones that have existed this far have relied a great deal on the phenomenon attached with change and consistent upgrading of the needs as put forward by the business and its norms. Critique can actually overcome many of the problems that underline the significant basis of management activities since it can bring to front the hidden agendas and management shortcomings which were not touched upon in the past.

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At the same time, organizational behavior theories look at the human resource, manufacturing, sales, industrial and environmental departments when one specifically talks about an organization. These theories look to pinpoint the areas of strength and find out where the shortcomings and weaknesses usually exist and where the same could arise again, say at any point in time in the future. The themes related with organizational behavior address the problems that are encountered not only by the customers who are at the mercy of the organization itself through its multi-faceted dealings but also the internal people, usually the employees and the ...

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