Culture and International Business



Randy L. Sult

BUS401, Module Four, Case Study

Culture and International Business

Dr. Yi Ling

30 November 2009


        Doing business internationally presents the opportunity for hazards.  Cultural differences can impact decision making, negotiations, and can lead to broken deals.  There has been much discussion of American’s being insensitive to other cultures when doing business abroad.  It is widely held view that American’s tend to ignore other cultural sensitivities and expect others to conform to us.  “In the 1950s, Richard Nixon made a trip to Brazil, and as he was getting off the plane, he greeted a mass of Brazilian officials, journalists and other citizens. On his way down the stairs to the runway he smiled, waved and gave the "A-Okay" sign to show the people his good intentions. Unfortunately for Nixon, this gesture is the Brazilian equivalent of giving the middle finger in America. (2004).”

     There are many cultural differences that can lead to mistakes such as gestures, eating habits, body language used in greetings.  All of these things are important but not as commonplace in today’s business environment due to increased international commerce and training.  “There is probably nothing more common than a Japanese executive extending his arm for a handshake just as his American counterpart leans over to bow.  (2004).”  This is one example of how business people from all cultures have taken the time to learn about each other and avoid some of the mistakes of the past.  However, it is important for us to look beyond these things to cultural differences that are less apparent.  

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     One important thing for people to do is to first learn about your own culture since it may not be immediately apparent to you.  That way you are better able to understand and appreciate the differences in others.  For example, Americans sense of individuality is a large influence in our culture.  This is not necessarily true for other cultures.  Not knowing this could lead to business people being impatient with longer decision making if the other party needs to consult before making decisions.  Americans tend to make decisions quickly and we take pride in our business dealings being ...

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