Desired Feedback Flow: (Introduction stage) Employee offers customer to fill out new
customer card customer accepts and fills out info
employee enters info in system employee programs
card with information (Repeat visit) customer purchase
smoothie(s) employee swipes card to record purchase
system records and stores purchase system respond
accordingly( send out coupons/promos)
Statement of Work:
Scope: This project will need the services of an outside contractor (with
the capabilities, technology and experience in such field) to create
electronic file database only accessible via customer card or by authorized
personnel. The system will need to be able to track customers’ purchasing habits,
designate coupon disbursements and other promotional marketing, self-running and maintaining. All prospective costs, designs and any other integration needs will be submitted for review and approval prior to any actions taken.
- Detailed plan and design for implementation
- Updated progress reports
- Updated expense reports
- Recorded milestones, i.e. coupons, promotional marketing
- Training/User manuals
Actual finished product along with programmable Customer cards
Project terms:
- Start date July 1, 2003
- Deadline date January 3, 2004
- All Reports must be accurate and verifiable
- Only designated contractor will be able to work on project no other
outside sources will be tolerated.
Key Success Factors:
Goals :
- Provide better accounting of product and service.
- Establish new relationship with customers.
- Expand Jamba Juice’s clientele
- Provide incentives/rewards for customers to encourage repeat visits.
- When Jamba Juice new and repeat customers are in the database.
When system accurately and efficiently tracks of all customer cards transactions.
- When system shows reliable performance and permanence (does not break down, does not slow down other functions in the system).
When customer cards continue to make new and current customers happy with repeat visits.
Cost/Benefit Analysis:
- Cost of training
- Cost of maintenance
- Cost of unforeseeable delays and expenses
- Improvement on Customer service
- More repeat visits more often
- Better understanding of customers purchasing habits
- Better understanding of seasonal trends
- Instant and reliable feedback
Scope Boundaries for Project
Time Frame: This project should provide a finished working system within six months
for testing region (Westcoast).
Within six months:
- Contractor should develop a plan for design, and implementation
- Contactor should test and verify all working parts of the system
- Development stages should be assigned, documented and reported
- Provide training and documentation
- Implement functional system
Cost: Contractor will work under a specified and reasonable spending limit. Any other
expenses must be reviewed and authorized by Jamba Juice.
Integration: System will be fully integrated into Jamba Juice Intranet system
Integration will allow employees to swipe customer card and automatically enter/update information in the system’s database.
Will allow customers to use their customer card at other locations
- Is for customer tracking only
- It is not for selling info for other use
- Will be only available thru Jamba Juice Intranet
- Accessible via customer card and authorized personnel only
Standards and Guidelines
How Does The System Work: Contractor will give detail explanations along with
graphics and images of procedures and interfaces.
How To Use The System: Contractor will create a user manual with step by step
procedures. Easy to read, easy to follow. Language must be
common to all readers
Development Process of System: Contactor will be required to record and report all
necessary steps to complete the project.
Include approval forms for management sign-off on
major milestones and deliverables.
Desired CRM System Flow
Swim Lanes for Testing and Defect Correction
High level Requirements Definition
Ease of Use: System must be easy to use; virtually free of defects.
Large capacity: System must be capable of handling multiple transactions at one time.
System must also have unlimited memory capacity.
Back-up System File: System must a back-up database system where records are safely
stored in case system crashes.
How Does The System Work: Contractor will give detail explanations along with
graphics and images of procedures.
How To Use The System: Contractor will create a user manual with step by step
procedures. Easy to read, easy to follow. Language must be
common to all readers
Development Process of System: Contactor will be required to record and report all
necessary steps to complete the project.
Design Consideration Cost Benefit Analysis:
(Cost) considerations that will be made to ensure the system is applicable to company’s needs:
- Does Jamba Juice have any in house resources?
How does Jamba Juice plan to maintain after system is implemented? i.e. warranties, training, etc.
- How far does Jamba Juice plan to integrate the system into other functions of business? i.e. inventory, marketing, etc.
- Contract should not exceed the cost of 75k(?)
- Training for Jamba Juice IT employee to manage the system
- Maintenance fees
High Level Tasks and deliverables with Entry/Exit Criteria
Analysis Considerations for In-house, Outsource or Combination
- System design must be original created by contractor
- Contractor must signed a “non-disclosure” agreement prior to any design/creation phase
- Contractor will have no interference from Jamba Juice pertaining to the project once the project design and creation requirements are established
- Once system is fully complete and integrated into Jamba Juice system, the system, designs, reports, documents and other aspects/materials pertaining to the project becomes Jamba Juice property and contract is terminated
Implementation Plan
- Once system has fully completed all tests and defects, system will be integrated into Jamba Juice Intranet system
- Training begins once the system is in place and introduced to employees
After training is complete the customer card will be introduced to customers