Project management.

Student Name Cem Caglar Email [email protected] Registration No 00143728B To be marked by Sadie Shinkins a) Define what is meant by a project? Why has project based work become a popular method of organising work within organisations? Project can briefly be described as a way of organising the work which will be undertaken to achieve specific goals or tasks. Project helps to keep work being tracked and to make some assumptions about date, cost etc. which are relevant to the project itself. Project based work has become important because, project is a process of selection and reduction of the ideas and perspectives of the people who are involved into a set of clearly defined objectives, key success criteria and evaluated risks. With a project based work we can surely consider and find answers to our questions like; is there other alternatives, reaction to the solution, which will benefit at the end of it, what is it worth to owners or to others to have the need satisfied, etc... Because of the reasons I've mentioned above, project planning has become a popular method in organising work within organisations in order to achieve and reach their targets. b) Discuss what motivates organisations to undertake projects in the public and private sectors - illustrating with examples of actual projects. Undertaking projects in the public and private sectors helps both

  • Word count: 863
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Plagiarism Declaration

Robert Mc Farlane (604m3682) 8 April 2005 Tutor: Kate Tut Time: Friday 10:30 Essay The Transatlantic Slave Trade Plagiarism Declaration . I am thoroughly familiar with both the university's policy and this department's guidelines on plagiarism. 2. I know that copying directly from either printed or electronic sources and using this material in assignments without proper referencing is dishonest, and that it is also wrong to use another student's work and pretend that it is my own. 3. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his/her own work. 4. This assignment is my own work. 5. I am fully aware that departments compile a register of plagiarism offenders, and that this is circulated throughout the university. 6. I understand that I am liable to lose my DP if I plagiarise. Signature: ................... Date: .................... 368 words. Do the African suppliers of slaves bear as much responsibility for the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade as the European traders? This essay will deal with whether the African suppliers of slaves are as responsible for the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade as the European traders, in working toward a conclusion several avenues will be explored in order to establish whether or not the blame falls evenly.

  • Word count: 1624
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Use the Edgeworth Box diagram to explain how gains from trade arise. If the outcome of such trade is Pareto Optimal government intervention is unnecessary and undesirable.' Discuss.

Use the Edgeworth Box diagram to explain how gains from trade arise. If the outcome of such trade is Pareto Optimal government intervention is unnecessary and undesirable.' Discuss. In a simple two-consumer economy, there is a possibility that both consumers can end up better off through trade with each other. If we model an economy with only two goods, and a given initial quantity of each of these goods, then we can represent the utility of the two consumers on the same diagram by using the Edgeworth Box model. If we call the consumers Abe and Boris, and a fixed initial quantity of two goods, say 100 bananas and 50 coconuts, and we assume that all the goods are distributed to just Boris and Abe, then we can represent this as follows: This diagram with one of the consumers axes inverted is an Edgeworth Box model. If we are at point X, then we can see that Abe has 20 bananas and 20 coconuts. As all the goods have been distributed, this means that Boris must have 80 bananas and 30 coconuts, and if we read from his axes we can see that this is indeed the case. They could also be at point Y, a different allocation of the goods, or indeed at any other point in the box. Abe and Boris will both have indifference curves, and at any point in the box they will both be on an indifference curve of their own. Now we can see how gains can arise from trade. A person is better off if they

  • Word count: 1231
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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