The social and economic impacts of WTO policies on lesser-developed countries.
The social and economic impacts of WTO policies on lesser-developed countries. History and purpose of the WTO The WTO was formally established on 1st January 1995. Its predecessor is the GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which was reached in 1948, to avoid the protectionism that prevailed following World War II. Before evolving into WTO, the GATT has been through eight rounds of negotiations since 1948. The seventh, the Tokyo Round, and the eighth, the Uruguay Round, are the most important ones. The Uruguay Round from 1986 to 1993 dealt with merchandise trade, service trade, intellectual property rights, and dispute settlement. Moreover, it made a resolution to establish the World Trade Organization, WTO. Up to now, the WTO has held four-round Ministerial Conferences listed in order-Singapore in 1996, Geneva in 1998, Seattle in 1999, and Doha in 2001.1 The main purpose of the WTO is to "help trade flow as freely as possible" and "to improve the welfare of the peoples of the member countries".2 The purpose is based on the most-favoured nation treatment, and aims at banishing the tariff barriers, to build up free trade among the members. This will give the state members a stable and predictable trade environment, which will promote foreign investments, create opportunities for further employment, and accelerate the growth and development of the national
International Business
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Case study Assignment Airbus versus Boeing: when is intervention Not Intervention? Task One: Globalization has given us access to new products, opened our eyes to new cultures, and helped us to share valuable information across borders, but sometimes the competition between companies from different countries can result in international legal disputes. One longstanding argument between the United States and the European Union (EU) is over government subsidies to aircraft manufacturers, specifically the American firm, Boeing, and the EU Company Airbus By looking at the case study Both the U.S. and the EU claim that the other government is subsidizing their domestic aircraft manufacturing industry. Subsidies are basically payments or other benefits given to a company by a government. Many subsidies are illegal according to the rules agreed to by the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) because they create an unfair competitive advantage In the case study The EU counters that Boeing has received a great deal of help from the United States. Arguing that U.S. subsidies to Boeing dwarf the launch aid given to Airbus, the EU points to Boeing military contracts, research and development grants, state (e.g., Washington, Missouri) incentive programs such as tax breaks for plant location, tax breaks given to Boeing divisions overseas, and a
Why do you think that technological change occurs in some societies, and at some periods, and not in others? What are the implications of uneven technological progress in the world economy for economics disparities?
Comparative Growth in Asia and Africa Mandeep Soor Why do you think that technological change occurs in some societies, and at some periods, and not in others? What are the implications of uneven technological progress in the world economy for economics disparities? Technological progress is the improvement of ways to produce goods and services. The industrial revolution brought about the first boom of technology and innovation, which took place in Britain and rapidly spread over much of Western Europe. It is clear that toady there extremely large disparities in the world economy. One key factor of structural economic change is the rate at which a country industrializes, and it's advancement in technology. There have been many changes in history where the economic growth has been closely related to changes in technology, with industry from agriculture and then a shift towards services in modern day. Three great mechanical inventions during the Elizabethan period, printing which advanced literature, gunpowder later used for warfare and the compass which was vital in navigation were invented most likely in China, but all were used in these functions in Europe. (Rosenberg, 1982 p245) These are all examples of successful technology transfer and adaptation, which was just as, if not more significant in the technological advancement of a society. A society's rate of
Compare and contrast NPV with IRR as a method of investment appraisal
Compare and contrast NPV with IRR as a method of investment appraisal Investment decisions are vitally important to a business because it involves making an outlay of something of economic value, usually cash, which the outlay precedes to benefits. If a wrong decision is made, the effects on the business could be significant and it might also mean closing down the activity and sell the premises at a significant loss. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) are both methods used in practice by businesses to evaluate investment opportunities (long-term assets, i.e. machineries). The method of NPV uses the discounting cash flow which recognizes money coming in the firm in the future will be worth less value than the money equivalent they have today. Reasons could include: * Interest lost- Any investment opportunity must make you wealthier than the returns that are available from the next-best opportunity. For example, investment in a project, i.e. machineries must have better than those from investing in the bank. * Risk- A higher rate of return is expected from projects where the risk appears as being higher and thus how large the risk premium must be. * Inflation- A general increase in the prices of goods and services in a country, which needs to be compensated to the investors for the loss of interest and purchasing power if the investment is to
The Republic of Ireland's Economy Past, Present and Possible Future and Ryanair
The Republic of Ireland's Economy: Past, Present and Possible Future and Ryanair Having battled through harsh poverty during the early nineties, Republic of Ireland had recently been referred to as a "Celtic Tiger", an analogous term for the East Asian Tigers, the rapidly growing economies of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea. Ryanair's website states that "Ryanair was Europe's original low fares airline and is still Europe's largest low fares carrier." In this text I will attempt to assess the past, current and future prospects of the Irish economy focusing on the key aggregates. In addition, I will assess the vulnerability of Ryanair and its degree of exposure to macroeconomic shocks. Furthermore, I seek to advise them on an appropriate strategy to manage uncontrollable external shocks. In the past, Ireland has been on the receiving end of a lot of economic devastation. Pre-independence, it was the recipient of two famines in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. "Between 1845 and 1850, the population fell by about 2 million, 1 million died and 1 million emigrated." (Munck, 1993, p.14) Furthermore, after the Irish War of Independence in 1921, Ireland gained independence from Britain and later formed the Republic of Ireland. However, it wasn't all good news for the new state. The economies of the Northern and Republic of Ireland were very weak.
Business Policy
ASSIGNMENT FEEDBACK FORM Student Number: 0910573 Academic Year 2010 Semester: 5 Level: HE6 Centre (off campus): Cohort/Intake number (off campus): 04 Assignment Number/Title: An External Analysis of Wall's brand in Vietnam Module Code/Occ./Title: Business Policy (BST3003) Marking Tutor: Dr. Julian Coleman Deadline: 2 July 2010 Date Handed In: 2 July 2010 Weight: 50% Relevant Learning Outcomes: Achieved? Y/N Identify the importance and effect of strategic models to organisations Understand the role of corporate strategies in sustaining business goals and in enabling rational resource allocation Communicate in an effective fashion expected of a professional accountant the skills of a professional accountant in the areas of strategy Feedback: Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very poor Structure (layout, planning, flow) Relevance (to brief/learning outcomes) Evidence (research sources employed) Understanding (cognitive awareness of subject area) Reflection (description/analysis/critique - appropriate to level) Presentation (use of English and tables/figures/ appendices) Referencing (in text, in Bibliography/Reference List) Comments Areas for Further Development st Marker's Grade Moderated Grade Turn-it-in Y/N? BUSINESS POLICY
An Analysis of National Bicycle Industrial Co.
Executive Summary Mass customization theorizes that companies can develop, produce, market and deliver customized products and services on a mass basis. Supporters of mass customization argue that this strategy allows a company the flexibility to meet the constantly changing demands of consumers, who continuously demand higher quality, lower priced products and services delivered in a relatively short amount of time, but which are also highly customized. Most importantly mass customization implies that, by automating the customization process, companies can produce the custom good at costs competitive with standardized goods. Proponents of mass customization point out that with this strategy, low costs are accomplished primarily through economies of scope rather than scale: "Economies of scope are realized by the application of a single process to produce a greater variety of products and services more cheaply and more quickly." (Joseph Pine II, author of Mass Customization: The New Frontier In Business Competition.) To achieve the goals of mass customization, a company must address major shifts in operating methods throughout the organization - engineering, manufacturing, and marketing - including the supply chain, with the creative use of automation and technology. Companies such as Dell Computer, HP, Toyota, Levi Strauss and Lutron Electronics have employed this
The Federal Reserve System.
Introduction Before the Federal Reserve System we need to understand why it was necessary to change the system and create a new system .Their was just a banking system in which their was weaknesses that gave rise to the Federal Reserve System. It is important to know the history of the banking system, and why the Federal Reserve System is more efficient than the classical old banking system. In 1863 and 1864 National Banking Acts were passed to provide for the national banking system. With the acts passed the banks were allowed to receive national charters, capital and set reserve requirements on deposits. Banknotes were established, and can be issued against U.S government securities which are owned by the banks, but held at U.S treasury department. During this period state-chartered banks and un-chartered "Free Banks" took action; issuing their own notes. Demand Deposits were used to enhance commerce. The main problem with the national banking system was that it lacked the ability to carry out other bank activities that were essential to a functional operating financial system. There are three important requirements for a banking system to operate functionally and that includes first an efficient national system, second an "elastic" or "flexible" money supply such as fiat money which is backed by government, and third a lending and borrowing
Conservative Consulting ltd - Proposal and investment Plan, conservative consulting's investment proposal for Mr roberts.
CONSERVATIVE CONSULTING LTD PROPOSAL AND INVESTMENT PLAN CONSERVATIVE CONSULTING'S INVESTMENT PROPOSAL FOR MR ROBERTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Conservative Consulting Ltd is a leading provider of customised management and investment-consulting services utilising accomplished investment and business executives. We bring experience in building successful million pound plus asset management portfolios. Our aim is to help clients identify and implement key strategic initiatives, investment services/policies, tax efficient and socially responsible investments to help them increase sales/assets, income, profitability and personal satisfaction. With decades of management experience in all aspects of investments and business disciplines we work beside you to provide timely execution, customised solutions, follow-through, honesty and integrity. Our responsibility is to you. Conservative Consulting Ltd does not manage money or transact securities so we are not in competition with you. HAVE OUR EXPERIENCE AND SUCCESSES IN INVESTMENT AND MANAGEMENT WORK FOR YOU. CONTENTS PROPOSAL AND INVESTMENT PLAN CONSERVATIVE CONSULTING'S INVESTMENT PROPOSAL FOR MR ROBERTS INTRODUCTION 1.1. PORTFOLIO CLIENT This portfolio has been produced for Mr. Roberts, a university professor at the University of Nottingham who approached Conservative consulting with the aim for us to invest a sum of £300,000
Tiger or Dragon, who's next?
Who would be the next global super power - India or China? It is inevitable. The rate at which the economies of India and China are growing, it is time that one of them is crowned the undisputed global leader. INDIA - A resilient and vibrant democracy, a multicultural nation with a complex mix of race, religion, caste and language and a rich artistic heritage that can be excavated all the way back to Harappa. Five million cell phones sold in the last month. GDP touching 10 per cent, sensex flirting with the 20,000 point mark, Indian computer scientists forming the bulk of Silicon Valley, IIT trained engineers working all over the world and also finding time to appear in Dilbert comics. Well, it is spring time in India. On the other had, we have China. The story of superlatives here is not just restricted to the population figures. The largest and most modern stock exchange - Shanghai Stock Exchange; tallest TV tower (Shanghai) and the longest Olympic torch relay ever all the way to the Mt Everest. Well, China has been delivering and the whole world is taking notice. Rapid economic growth, global trading ties, and expanding diplomatic cooperation have pushed China to the first rank of nations. The Chinese economy has been growing at 9.67 per cent since 1978. In 2006, it reached a staggering 10.7 per cent. China's research and development budget has been growing at 20 per