Elements of Marketing

Assignment 1:

“Outline and explain the forces in the external marketing environment which can impact upon marketing decision making. Choose any established product market, consider the various environmental changes that have influenced it over the last 5-10 years. Illustrate your answer with examples and reference to relevant marketing theory.”

The aim of this assignment is to outline and explain the forces in the external marketing environment and what impact can have these forces in the decision-making process within a company or an organization. The marketing environment is an important factor for companies and organizations, which they are trying to analyze all the external and internal environmental issues that can affect positive or negative the future of an organization.

The marketers within a company have the major responsibility to identify the most important changes in the environment. Despite the fact that every manager in an organization needs to examine the outside environmental forces, marketers have two advantages here. They have controlled methods of marketing intelligence and marketing research for collecting information about the marketing environment. The marketers also spend a lot of their time to keep in contact with their customers and a lot of time to watch of their competitors.

There are some major forces, outside of the organization, and affecting organizations especially, on the macro-environmental economic, demographic, technological, political, natural and socio-cultural forces.

An example that has been given from Philip Kotler (p.151, 1997) illustrates that the explosive population growth (demographic) leads to more resource depletion and pollution (natural environment), which leads consumers to call for more laws (political/legal). The imposed restrictions stimulate new technological solutions and products (technology), which if they are affordable (economic forces) may actually change people’s attitudes and behavior (social/cultural).

The demographic environment is a macro- environmental force and attracts the attention of marketers. They mainly interested in the size and growth of population in different cities, regions, and nations, age distribution and ethnic mix, educational levels, household patterns, regional characteristics and movements.

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The expansion of the population growth is under consideration for the marketers, especially for two reasons. The first is the reason that the resources that needed to support human life like food, fuel, etc., are limited and are likely to run out in the future. The second reason that is under consideration is that the population growth is highest in countries and communities that have difficulties to afford it. The population in the less developed countries is growing faster compare to the most developed countries in the world that the population mostly is remaining stable.

The population growth ...

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