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This essay will address the issue of money being the only employee motivator; stressing its importance despite other motivational factors.

The essay is divided into three sections. First, the focus will be on the theoretical perspective of money as a motivator, viewing F.W Taylor’s assumptions and other theoretical ideas. Secondly, research evidence that supports or contradicts the theories is discussed and last, is the conclusion, arguing that money is the key motivator.

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Theoretical evidence

There are several views as to what motivates people to work. Money is the prime motivator (F.W. Taylor 1911). He believed that workers are motivated by obtaining the highest possible wages. This assumption was supported by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, because money can be used to satisfy several of our needs. For instance, by purchasing things that satisfies our physiological needs. Yet, Maslow’s theory does not take into account individual differences. Some employees may consider certain needs to be more important than others and therefore seek to satisfy them before satisfying any other needs. On top ...

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