Entrepreneurship, my bachelor project is to analyze the situation of the ethnic female entrepreneurs in Denmark, based on the following questions: - Theoretical demonstration of entrepreneurship in historical context - Analysis of the

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Bachelor project



“Entrepreneur is one who always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it is an opportunity.” - Peter Drucker

Executive summary

I spent my internship at Copenhagen Business centre, where I was an intern in a so called “Get started programme for women entrepreneurs” project. This project´s main target group is the women who live in Copenhagen and have another ethnic background then Danish. Through the project I was able to see the different types of entrepreneurs and their dream of opening a business in Copenhagen. Copenhagen Business Centre would like to help all of these women to get a general knowledge about how to develop their ideas into business plans and how to start their business. I choose to write about entrepreneurship, its history, culture and women entrepreneurs and their possibilities in Denmark. This project should help to understand entrepreneurship better and give an overview of the difficulties that the ethnic women came across during starting a business.

The word entrepreneur has its origin in the French language. It refers to the organizer of musical or other entertainments. An entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of an enterprise. An enterprise visualizes a business, takes bold steps to establish under takings, coordinates the various factors of productions and gives it a start. Entrepreneurs are the owners of the business who contribute the capital and bear the risk of uncertainties in life. Entrepreneur takes decision regarding what to produce, how to produce, where to produce and for whom to produce. He mobilizes other factors of production namely; land, Labour, capital, organization and initiates production process. She is responsible for both the profit and loss.

Entrepreneurs have been around since the beginning of time. But the term was first introduced by a French economist by the name of Richard Cantillon in the 18th century. Van Praag (2005) divides entrepreneurship concept into five different groups which are classical approach, neoclassical approach, Schumpeterian, Knightian, and neo-Austrian approach.

Culture indeed does have an impact on entrepreneurial activity and some cultures encourage entrepreneurship while some other cultures hinder entrepreneurship, though it is argued that there are other factors to be considered like a favorable environment which combines social, political and educational attributes which promote entrepreneurial activity.

At present, on average, women make up 30% of the entrepreneurs in the EU. I am going to take a look at how women act across Europe in the business world. Women are increasingly represented in the labour market over the past generation. In senior management positions men are still dominating. The Europe's Small Business Act - SBA calls for mentoring schemes to inspire women to launch their own start-ups and establish a network of female entrepreneur 'ambassadors'.

Women entrepreneurs and their businesses are a rapidly growing segment of the business population. Female entrepreneurs have contributed to the development of a range of services and products. The percentage of female entrepreneurs in Europe and as well in Denmark still remains low. Researches are showing difficulties for female entrepreneurs to open a business. This is due to facts such as a poor business environment, information gaps, lack of contacts and access to networking, gender discrimination, weak childcare facilities, difficulties in reconciling business and family obligations. Increasing the rate of new business creation by women is essential to stimulate innovation and employment in our economies. To achieve this, we need to develop entrepreneurship in all sectors: this is not only essential for the economy, but also good for the society. That’s why it is necessary to make information available for women and give them the support they need to start up and run their own businesses.

Table of Contents

Front page        1

Executive summary        2        

Table of contents        4        

Delimination        6        

Problem formulation        6

Book sources        6

Methodology        6

Introduction        8

Entrepreneurship        8

History of entrepreneurship        8

  • The classical approach        8
  • The neoclassical approach        8
  • Schumpeterian        9
  • Knightian        9
  • The neo-Austrian approach        10

The macro view of entrepreneurship        10

  • The environmental school of thought        11
  • The financial /capital school of thought        11
  • The displacement school of thought        11

The micro view of entrepreneurship        11

  • The entrepreneurial trait school of thought        11
  • The venture opportunity school of thought        12
  • The strategic formulation school of thought        12

Culture of entrepreneurs        12

  • Individualism vs. collectivism        12
  • Power distance        13
  • Uncertainty avoidance        13
  • Masculinity vs. feminity        13

Different types of entrepreneurs        13        

  • Idealist entrepreneurs        14
  • Optimizer entrepreneurs        14
  • Hard worker entrepreneurs        14
  • Juggler entrepreneurs        14
  • Sustainer entrepreneurs        15

The situation of entrepreneurs in the European Union        15

  • Global entrepreneurship monitor        15
  • Entrepreneurs in the European union        16
  1. Different stages of economy development        16

- Factor- driven economy        16

- Efficiency - drive economy        16

- Innovation – driven economy        17

  1. Opportunities for starting a business        17
  2. Geographical precedent        17
  3. Entrepreneurs in a view of age and gender        18
  4. Entrepreneruship education        19        

The situation of women entrepreneurs in some seeded European Union countries        19

  • Germany        19
  • France        20        
  • United Kingdom        20
  • Czech Republic        20
  • Italy        20
  • Slovakia        21
  • Hungary        21

The situation of women entrepreneurs in Denmark        21

Ethnic female entrepreneurs        23

Men vs. women        24

Reason for more women entrepreneurs in the market        25

  • Flexibility        25
  • Freedom        26
  • Sense of accomplishment        26
  • Finical necessity        26

Types of business opportunities for women        26

  • Home based business        26
  • Home parties        26
  • Franchise        27
  • Professional occupation        27

What can the government do?        27

  • Motivation        27
  1. Motivation can be positive or negative        27
  2. Maslow´s hierarchy of needs of motivation        27
  • Funds, courses        28

Empirical study – interviews        28

  • Background, reason for being an entrepreneur        28
  • Turning a dream into a business        29
  • Barriers        29
  • Funds        29
  • Governmental help        30
  • Balance between work and family        30
  • Female entrepreneurs        30
  • Encourage female entrepreneurs        30
  • Important services        31

Recommendations        31

Conclusion        31

List of literature        33

Appendix        34


I investigate to write about entrepreneurship, its history, culture and women entrepreneurs and their possibilities in Denmark. The project should help to understand entrepreneurship better and give an overview of the difficulties that the ethnic women came across during starting a business. I will look at the history and culture of entrepreneurs in a theoretical context, and analyzing the situation of the entrepreneurs in the European Union by the Global Entrepreneruship Monitor reports. By interviewing 5 female entrepreneurs with ethnic background would like make an empirical study. Overall, I would like to come to a conclusion and recommendations according to how Denmark can improve services for ethnic women entrepreneurs.

Problem formulation

In propose of my bachelor project is to analyze the situation of the ethnic female entrepreneurs in Denmark, based on the following questions:

  • Theoretical demonstration of entrepreneurship in historical context
  • Analysis of the female entrepreneurial activities in the European Union and in Denmark
  • Empirical study of ethnic women entrepreneurs in context of interviews

Analyzing the over named questions will recommend suitable improvements for the ethnic female entrepreneurial activities in Denmark.

Book sources

The main book, I choose is Paul Burns - Entrepreneurship and Small Business (2001). It gave a great theoretical knowledge about entrepreneurship, even though it was a bit hard to read. The new era of management (2006) book from R. Daft give me a better understanding about the types of entrepreneurs. I also used some book from great authors, it can see in the literature list.

Global entrepreneurship monitor’s reports (2008 Executive report and 2007 Report on women entrepreneurs) were a great help to get relevant data.


The theoretical part is going to focus on the history and culture of entrepreneurs by books based on entrepreneurship. To get an overview about the situation of entrepreneurs in the EU and in Denmark I am going to use the GEM reports. I choose to make interviews with 5 women entrepreneurs with ethnic background in Denmark and subjected the results to analysis.


In the knowledge-based economy, innovation is the key driver of success. Metropolitan areas in many countries have increasingly turned into multi-cultural societies. Ethnic entrepreneurship and, increasingly, female entrepreneurship have become popular concepts in modern multi-cultural society. In a modern “multi-color” city, such as Copenhagen, ethnic and female entrepreneurship tend to become an indigenous and significant part of the local economy. At the same time it is difficult to identify and tap potential business opportunities in this competitive world.  


Entrepreneurship is considered to be the combination of entrepreneur and enterprise. Organizing on enterprise is described as entrepreneurship. Here the enterprise is defined as a unit of economic activates or an economic organization specially a business organization. Definition of entrepreneur: “Someone who assumes the financial risk of the initiation, operation and management of a business” .One who undertakes a business venture by combining the resources for production is called on entrepreneur. Therefore entrepreneur is described as an individual who take risk to organize a business to make his career.

According to Schumpeter entrepreneurship can be defined as a “Creative activity, the entrepreneur being an innovator who introduces something now into the economy a new method of production not yet tested by experience in the branch of Manufacturing Concern a product with which the consumers are not familiar, a new source of raw material or of a new market lither to unexploited and of similar innovation”. Entrepreneurship refers to be developed and planned through creation of opportunities, extending facilities, allowing incentives and developing sensitiveness to the factors in a person. Entrepreneurship is not inborn quality but made and any one can become entrepreneur. It is the individuals who respond to external opportunities.

Entrepreneur is a person who has already started an enterprise or is in the process of starting an enterprise. Entrepreneur is one who organizes Manages and assumes the risk of a business enterprise. He is an action oriented, highly motivated individual with strong desire to excel who takes risk to achieve goals. Entrepreneurs are people who have the abilities to see and evaluate business opportunities to gather necessary resources to take advantage of them and initiate appropriate action to ensure success.

Entrepreneur is an individual responsible for the operation for business including choice of the product, mobilization, of resources decision on product, price and market employment of labors expanding or reducing the scope of his businesses. Entrepreneur is defined as an individual who for casts’ future demand for product or service and arranges a business enterprise to respond to their demand. A successful entrepreneur should be in a position to identify explore and select an attractive business opportunity and plan his activities accordingly to ensure success.

History of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs have been around since the beginning of time. But the term was first introduced by a French economist by the name of Richard Cantillon in the 18th century. In short it can be said that the first concept of entrepreneurship from Cantillon emphasis on taking risk to venture into a business. Van Praag (2005) divides entrepreneurship concept into five different groups which are classical approach, neoclassical approach, Schumpeterian, Knightian, and neo-Austrian approach.

The classical approach

According to van Praag (2005) the famous French economist, Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) seemed to be the first expert who added managerial role into entrepreneur characteristics. The managerial role consist of getting involved in combining and coordinating factors which influence production process in order to accommodate the unexpected and overcome problems.

In summary, the characteristics of entrepreneurs according to Say is the person who is in charge of production, distribution and consumption activities; a coordinator in market and firm level; a leader and manager within the firm, problem solver and also a risk taker. Therefore, according to Landstrom, entrepreneurship is defined as the combining of the means of production process into an organism.

The neoclassical approach

The neoclassical era is famous with the concept of equilibrium theory in which supply equals to demand in a perfectly competitive market, therefore during this era economists believed that there is no entrepreneurial profit and entrepreneurship activities do not have a room to grow since innovation could destroy the stability of economic condition.

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The example of famous economist during this era would be Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) which pointed that entrepreneur has the characteristics of taking all responsibility and gain full control, coordinate supply and demand on the market as well as capital and labour within the firm, undertake risks, act as a manager as well as employer, opportunity seeker in order to minimize costs. Furthermore, from the same author Marshall stated that a successful entrepreneur will need  general ability which are being able to do multitask in one time, have everything ready in time, act promptly and show resource when something goes ...

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