Financial Report on Nike Inc and Adidas

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Financial Report on Nike Inc+Adidas:

        Nike is a big industry and to take shares of this company and asset it into Zinc

Finances would be very pricey but according to ratios worth it. Here I would look at Nike

Inc total finances and compare it with Adidas and possibly other rival competitors

including Reebok, which has come very close to Nike over the years with revenue and

gross profit. As you can see from the research the years taken from Nike Inc and Adidas

are a year or so different as Adidas finance information starts at Dec 1998 and ends at

Dec 2000, where as Nike Inc starts at Dec 1999 and ends at Dec 2001. I have analysed

both companies with their ratios on the years where there is financial data on both

companies on two particular years. Which in this case was Dec 1999 and 2000 for

Adidas, while May 1999 and 2000. This could of created different results in the ratio.

However, it was clear which company performed better.  The performance, profitability

and solvency ratios all show that Nike Inc are consistently financially better than its

competitors. But does this mean overall success for Nike? I would look at the Industry,

History, Mission, Culture, Marketing overview, Brand expansion, International market,

advertising, endorsements and come up with a conclusion for the references I have made.

        Adidas is the #2 biggest footwear industry and after analysing the ratios it has

performed as well as Nike over the years, even though it is far behind Nike in revenue

and profits. The share price of Adidas is currently at 4877.0 compared to the opening

price of 4864.0 that was a 44.0 change-0.90%. The highest it has been is 4916.0, which I

would guess is cheaper then Nike. However, does the price of Adidas worth its value and

most importantly if I was to buy shares from Nike for Zinc PLC I would look at all

departments of ratios I used, here I would look at all the ratios I used and possible ratios

I could of used. Adidas has performed consistently well in solvency and beaten Nike in the

productive side of some parts of the current ratio where in 2000 Adidas recorded figures

of 2.04:1 compared to the modest 1.7:1 of Nike in that year. Indeed, it could be argued

that the current asset for Nike is far bigger than the current assets of Adidas. Therefore,

meaning the current liabilities would also be high to balance out the assets where a firm

like Nike, which has high current assets would therefore have high current liabilities

because of the usage of assets means the usage of liabilities . So what does solvency point

out? It could be that solvency ratios are not efficient as other ratios as a big firm like

Nike may have a much lower current ratio figure to say Adidas for this instance, where

Nike quite clearly has a better current asset figure then that of Adidas where Nike's

figure stands at 3,596.4 to Adidas's 2,623.3, while the current liabilities stands at 2.140.0

for Nike and 1,288.7 for Adidas in the year 2000. The purpose of solvency is to show the

ability of a firm to pay of its short term debt. However, I do not believe Nike will have

problems in covering short term debt in already having $9,488.8 annual sales, having a

huge marketing value of $15,491.9 and 22,700 compared to Adidas's 13,157 employees.

Nike has shown a recovery with recent 2001 current ratio figures of 2:1 in comparison to

1999 2.3:1 and 1.2:1 in acid test ratio. Despite, some un-consistent form Nike remains in

average better in solvency then Adidas as the acid test ratio prooves where 1999 figures

of 1.4:1 vindicate Adidas figures of 1.04:1. Moreover, Adidas would be closer to

liquidation then Nike would, even though some figures suggest otherwise as it has enough

profit and sales to use for solvency if ever a problem occurs.        Both Acid test ratio

and Current ratio is useful in predicting the liquidity of each of the two companies.

However, solvency doesn't show how big a company is, but instead looks at how close

apart assets and liabilities are. This is not what I would look for if I was going to buy

shares as it could be two very small companies that I could want to buy shares of with

better figures than that of Nike and Adidas where as both are bigger and yet, it shows

same value. Gearing ratio, which measures the working capital, which for Nike was 8.29

per share could of been used to get a different spin on the ratios.                                 

                                                                If I am to buy shares for Zinc

PLC, I would have to look at the share information of Nike and its competitors. The

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revenue per share is $35.83 compared to Reebok's $50.10. The dividends per share for

Nike is $0.48 and long term debt per share is $2.33. It is important to know the price per

each share because you can measure it with the ratio's and see if it is worth its value.

        The profitibility is broken down to gross profit % and Net/Operating profit %. The

gross profit % of Nike is 42.4% compared to 43.3% in the year 2000. Yet, again the gross

profit is bigger in Nike-3,814.9 to 2,380.3 of Adidas. ...

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