Global Marketing Strategy - 'Think Globally but Act Locally'.

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Global Marketing Strategy


Anglia Polytechnic University

Global Marketing Strategy


Jonathan Wilson

BA (Hons) European Business

SID: 0012155/1

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Over the last 20 years globalisation has been one of the most significant developments in the industrialised world. Multimedia and telecommunications are the key aspects that are bringing the world closer together.

Köppl is a small medium enterprise and is specialised in agricultural machinery. The company is located in Entschenreut, Germany. The core competences are gardening, agricultural and forestry machinery. Tractors, mowers and all the other products are developed and produced in their own factory. Köppl machinery stands for high quality and good technical support.

Over the last years Köppl started to export their products to different countries like Italy, Switzerland, Belgium. Now they are looking for new markets and decided entering the Turkish market.

Köppl chose Turkey because it is an agricultural country and 40% of the population work in the agricultural sector. As soon they enter they EU they have to be competitive with other European agricultural countries such as Spain and France.

In the past Turkey has been described as the world’s food storehouse by many analysts. Its strong agriculture sector has resulted in a strong agricultural machinery sector in Turkey.

Modern agricultural machineries are very important as they increase the efficiency of work in the agricultural production, and therefore decreases costs.

The product range of Köppl machinery includes farm tractors, engined single-axe hoes, engined mower machines, soil preparing earth moving and seeding machinery and machinery and equipment for field and garden agricultural production. Further information about Köppl machinery you will find in the appendix.

2. Entering a foreign market

Many companies push into international markets. Therefore they need a clear structure how to enter a foreign market. This is especially important for small medium enterprises because they usually do not have a very huge marketing budget. They mostly survive with good quality products.

To be successful the market has to be analysed. The major key elements of a foreign market analysis are:

  • Cultural
  • Macro environmental (PESTL)
  • Micro environmental (competitors, customer behaviour, intermediaries,


The 12C framework is helpful to analyse the aspects of an international market. It includes all major elements. After this analysis even SMEs should be able to enter a foreign market successfully.


                        Country                                        Culture

        Choices                                                                Consumption

        Contractual Obligations                                        Commitment

        Channels                                                                Communication

                        Caveats                                        Currency

                                           Capacity to Pay

2.1. Culture

Kluckhohn, a cultural anthropologist was the first to define culture in 1951 as ‘Patterned way of thinking, feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted mainly by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiments in artefacts; the essential core value consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values.’(Parhizgar 2002 p.61).

Geert Hofstede found significant differences in the behavioural attitudes of employees and managers from different countries. He defined culture as ‘the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another…. Culture, in this sense, includes systems of values and values among the building blocks of culture.

The cultural values are based on the five dimensions for that he examined statistical data.

The five dimensions are:

  • Power Distance (PDI)
  • Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)
  • Individualism (IDV)
  • Masculinity (MAS)  
  • Long-Term Orientation (LTO)

The following comparisons of Germany and Turkey are based on the Hofstede’s Research in these countries.

Source: Author (adopted from

The following table defines the five dimensions and shows connected information about Germany and Turkey.

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Source: Author

After the comparison of the two countries in accordance to Hofstede it is clear that both countries have a different culture. Before Köppl enters the Turkish market they have to have a clear understanding of the Turkish culture.

2.2. Macro environment

The environmental influences of Turkey can be analysed in a PESTL analysis to get an overview of the opportunities for Köppl machinery. PESTL is the abbreviation of Political, Economical, Social, Technological and Legal factors.

The following table shows the PESTL analysis for Turkey based on the important factors for Köppl to enter the market.


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