How does the self-concept theory relate to a consumer's decision to purchase Rogaine? Discuss.

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MKT 272 U2                DCAU

Question 1.        How does the self-concept theory relate to a consumer’s decision to purchase Rogaine? Discuss.

        “Self- concept has become a popular in recent years to investigating possible relationships between how individuals perceive themselves and what behaviour they exhibit as consumer. An advantage of studying consumer behaviour using the theory of self-concept is that consumers provide descriptions of them selves as apposed to having descriptions made by outside observations.” (1)

People perceived that bald people as somehow different from full-haired people. Once I started losing my hair, I worry it will bring negative effect to my outward appearance. It may caused me lose the confidence and strength. I am worrying people will make fun on me because I am hair loss person. I know that a person’s appearance is important, society will pay close attention to my appearance. According to research study, age 21, undergraduate female will shy away from the balding men. It notices me; others do not accept me. No one will like to be balding person. Rogaine can help me regain my confidence. I need a hair-growth drug. Rogaine is in my choice set and satisfy me if it is workable. I will buy Rogaine to test.

        Consumers’ self-perceptions can have a strong influence on their behaviour in the marketplace. For example: the way an individual perceives various products could be affected by the image he has of himself. “Actual self – the perception of oneself as one believes she actually is. Ideal self – may be defined as the perception of oneself as one would ideally like to be. Social self – the perception of one self as one believes others actually perceive him to be. The ideal social self – the perception of one’s image as he would like others to have of him.” (2)

        In this case, to the balding person, there are greatly difference between actual-self and idea self. They need hair-growth drug in the idea self. Balding person likes to be full haired person, if they can. Especially women, they can’t accept the fact – loss hair. In conducting personal interviews with women, Dr.Roper learned that they feel compelled to do something about baldness because bald women simply cannot manage in society as men can. Rogaine has turned to difference consumer segment: women; more concern their outward appearance than men. Rogaine marketers provide ads targeting women included a toll free phone number and the offer of free information kit. In most people opinion, a beautiful woman should not have hair loss problem. I will also shy away from the balding women. Women need Rogaine to perceive as ideal self.

        Consumers appear to hold images of various products and these images can be viewed as symbols that communicate meaning about those who purchase them. Therefore, “an area of considerable practical interest is the degree to which a consumer might actually prefer certain products or brands because she perceives their images as consistent with her view of herself, what she would like to be, or some other aspect of self concept.” (3)

        As the consumer, I will buy the product like Rogaine I may perceive a close match with my ideal self. The theory would still predict that the consumer could have a strong preference for this brand because of the degree of congruity existing between the brand image and what she aspires to become. Also, “the degree of congruence to both the actual and ideal self may join to exert a combined influence on consumers’ attraction toward a brand. The ideal self- concept appears to be a motivating force behind the design of advertisements.” (4) Through the advertisement, balding person can know what is the result after using Rogaine. This brand is effectively linked to a full- hair model that many hair loss person might aspire to look like.

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        “The research must first identify the most important image attributes to measure and then develop semantic scales for these attributes. Consumers are must asked to reveal the dimension of their self-concept under investigation by marking the scales in order to most appropriately describe them. A second set of scales is used to measure the same consumers’ perceptions of brand images. If numbers are assigned to each response option on the semantic scales, it is then possible to determine the numerical distance between consumers’ and their brand images.” (5)

Question 2.        Discuss the core value that might motivate a consumer to ...

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