“The research must first identify the most important image attributes to measure and then develop semantic scales for these attributes. Consumers are must asked to reveal the dimension of their self-concept under investigation by marking the scales in order to most appropriately describe them. A second set of scales is used to measure the same consumers’ perceptions of brand images. If numbers are assigned to each response option on the semantic scales, it is then possible to determine the numerical distance between consumers’ and their brand images.” (5)
Question 2. Discuss the core value that might motivate a consumer to try Rogaine.
Rogaine is a product that is a prescription drug intended to restore hair growth. The producer produces this product according to the people who are suffering hair loss and made he/she return to full-haired people. From this article, we can know that some of those men agree a person looks better with full head of hair. This is a fact and we must accept it. The purpose to launch this product is due to today task of difference people wants because today people are facing hair loss problem and also people are concern to health and good looking due to this reason. This means Rogaine produce a prescription to the people who are suffer hair loss. This company want to solve the hair loss problem that is facing by a people. So the hair loss’s people can go back to his/her full-haired life. So, he/she will become more and more confidence and strength compare to his/her baldness.
The producer can motivate the consumer thought Maslow’s Hierarchy of Motivation, and Freud’s Theory of Motivation. From the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Motivation, it has five hierarchy needs. They are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualisation needs.
The first need is Physiological needs. Physiological needs are “the basic needs by individual such as food, drink, shelter, sexual satisfaction, and other physical requirement”. (6) But in this case, Physiological needs are the people need for the prescription drug intended to restore hair growth. This means the people who suffer hair loss need for the prescription to treatment his/her hair.
The second need is Safety needs. Safety needs are “a person’s needs for the security and protection from physical and emotional harm, as well as assurance that physical needs will continue to be met.” (7) According to this case, safety needs for the prescription to protect his/her image and without any side effect. This means this product is very safe to use because it has not any side effect can affect people’s health. Therefore, the people can reassurance when he/she uses this product.
The third need is social needs. Social needs are “a person’s needs for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship.” (8) Reference from this article, we can know that in a study analysing consumers’ reaction to the balding process. The study result indicated the average undergraduate female who aged 21 will shy away from the balding men. This means the man almost has a full head of hair. So, the Rogaine try to use this way to target the male consumer to attract him to purchase it new product. After they use the Rogaine, their loss hair will become a full head of hair slowly. This will cause he is easy to make friend.
The fourth need is esteem needs. Esteem needs is “a person’s needs for internal factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement, and external factors such as status, recognition, and attention.” (9) Based on this article, we can say this Rogaine’s product can let a hair loss people become more confidence and strength. So, the people who are loss hair can become more smarter though Rogaine. The Rogaine can lead to a people change his/her attitude toward the task. So, the Rogaine is very successful in this sector.
The final need is self-actualisation needs. Self-actualisation needs are “a person’s needs to become what he or she is capable of becoming.” (10) After the esteem needs are solve the higher needs is need to solve. This is the term to settle self-actualisation needs. From this article, it tells us if a person is looks better with a full of hair. This means we can treatment our loss hair with Rogaine. Consequently, we have a full head of hair and then can perform our task with the best. This mean the loss hair can cause a person feeling of diminishing confidence and strength. So the treatment of the loss hair is very important.
Beside that, the producer of the Rogaine has also use Freud’s Theory of Motivational. “Freud assumed that people are largely not conscious of the real psychological forces shaping their behaviour. He saw the person as growing up and repressing many urges. These urges are never eliminated or under perfect control; they emerge in dreams, in slips of the tongue, in neurotic and obsessive behaviour; or ultimately in psychoses.” Thus, Freud suggests that a person does not fully understand his or her motivation.” (11)
If a person tries to buys the Rogaine because of he/she is facing the loss hair problem. At a deeper level, he/she buy the Rogaine may be because he/she feel his/her hair is not attractive. After use Rogaine, he/she is become more confidence and strength. At a still deeper level, he/she purchase for the Rogaine because of the Rogaine is very hot and famous. He/she can use it to satisfy his/her problem.
On the other hand, Rogaine’s marketing team used such insights to guide development of advertising that would effectively reach the customer while staying within the FDA’s strict regulatory guidelines. Initial marketing efforts targeted at doctors, nurses and pharmacists sought to introduce them to Rogaine. From using this plan can let the people become more awareness to the Rogaine.
By the way, Advertising targeted at customer’s followers, with the objectives of informing consumers that those concerned about hair loss could contact physicians who prescribe the drug. The ads also included a toll-free phone number. This means the producer of the Rogaine want the consumers ask for more information and detail of the Rogaine.
Beside that, the Rogaine marketers decided to adopt a more aggressive marketing strategy, recognizing the need for a more direct appeal to consumer. With approval, they included the Rogaine name in commercials and urged men to ask their physicians to prescribe it. From this strategy we can clearly to know that the Rogaine marketers motivate consumer try to purchase their product. They also developed a video that featured doctors giving technical information; the video also showed men who tried Rogaine with varying degrees of success. So the consumer can easy to understanding to use for the Rogaine. Under this condition, this will increase the consumer confidence to purchase the Rogaine.
According to the article, Pharmacia and Upjohn also experimented with rebates. A patient could real result from TV choose between a certificate worth $10 towards a first bottle of Rogaine or $20 fro sending in the box tops from the first four emptied bottles. The marketers give the promotion to consumer and motivate consumers to buy more and more.
Question 3. Discuss the manner in which Rogaine marketers moved consumers though the steps in the consumer decision process.
Buying Decision Process shows a “stage model”. “The consumer passes through five stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchases decision, and postpurchase behaviour. Clearly the buying process starts long before the actual purchase and has consequences long after the purchase.” (12)
At the first stage, consumers recognize that the Rogaine may solve a problem of unfulfilled desire. They need some effective drug to satisfy themselves. The consumers sense a difference between his or her actual condition and desired condition. Their needs become a drive to purchase the Rogaine. Rogaine is given a way to consumers to solve their hair loss problem. Rogaine is a hair-growth product approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in US. From in-depth personal interviews, Dr. Roper learned that hair loss gave men a general feeling of diminishing confidence and strength. On the other hand, society seems to pay close attention to a person’s appearance. Based on the research, it shows that a tendency among the average undergraduate female, age 21, to shy away from the balding men. I believe that some of those men will agree a person looks better with a full head of hair. Balding men recognize their problem and needs when they realize that repurchase is needed. Rogaine is their choice. Rogaine may improve their outward appearance in a manner not tried before. Under the condition, consumers hesitate to try Rogaine.
The second stage, an aroused consumer will be inclined to search for more information and listing the alternatives that will solve the problem of hair loss. There are a lot of brands have the same function compared to Rogaine. Why consumer will aware the existence of Rogaine. Initial marketing efforts targeted at doctors, nurses and pharmacists sought to introduce them to Rogaine. Advertising targeted at consumers followed, with the objective of informing consumers that those concerned about hair loss could contact a physician who could prescribe the drug. The ads also included a toll-free phone number. This soft-sell approach established good consumer awareness, but it produced disappointing results, perhaps because most men needed a stronger inducement to get them to a doctor’s office. They are successful used such insights to guide development of advertising that would effectively reach the consumer while staying within the FDA’s strict regulatory guidelines. It provides sources of information to consumers. When consumers simply becomes more receptive to information about hair grow drug, they pay attention to ads, drug purchased by friends and conversation about hair grow drug. In this condition, with the advertising the consumers will notice the Rogaine. Through gathering information, the consumer learns about competing brands and label. Consumers will make the final choice from the choice set. Therefore Rogaine must strategize to get its brand into the prospect’s choice set. Otherwise it loses its opportunity to sell to the customer.
After second stage, Rogaine marketers decided to adopt a more aggressive marketing strategy, recognizing the need for a more direct appeal to consumers. They began targeting hair stylists and barbers by offering handling fees to shops that displayed Rogaine. With FDA approval, they included the Rogaine name in commercials and urged men to ask their physicians to prescribe it. It give assurances that the drug is effective in hair grow. Consumer will trust the product. They believe that it is safety to use and product in good quality. They also developed a video that featured doctors giving technical information; the video also showed men who tried Rogaine with varying degrees of success. Pharmacia and Upjohn created a Dermatology Division to focus on relationship marketing through coordinated ads and public relations messages. Through the video, they show the result after using the drug. It brings the good news to them. The consumers only consider few factors to buying the product: quality, safety, price and effectiveness. Consumer will chose the best one to meet their needs. Rogaine had showed the effectiveness through the video. Product also approved by FDA. Obviously, Rogaine can satisfy the customer. The company is likely to develop a set of brand beliefs. The brand beliefs make up the brand image. Rogaine try to change buyers’ beliefs about was competitive brands stand on different attributes.
Purchase decision stage, after choosing the best alternative, a consumer is ready for the purchase act. “Three considerations remain: place of purchase, terms, and availability.” (13) However, “two factors can intervene between the purchase intention and the purchase decision. The first factor is attitudes of others. If the intensity of the other person’s negative attitude toward the consumer’s preferred alternative and the consumer’s motivation to comply with the other person’s wishes. The converse is also true: a buyer’s preference for a brand will increase if complex when several people close to the buyer hold contradictory opinions and the buyer would like to please them all.” (14) If Rogaine give the bad image to consumer then lost the opportunity to sell product. With the good public relations, product will accept by consumer easier. The company also involved in event marketing to build its database, followed by direct marketing and telemarketing. Rogaine has received FDA approval to sell over the counter. This change will bring the new challenge to Rogaine marketers.
Last stage is postpurchase behaviour. “After purchasing the product, the consumer will experience some level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The consumer will also engage in postpurchase actions and product uses of interest to the marketer. The marketer’s job does not end when the product is bought but continues into the postpurchase period.” (15) Pharmacia and Upjohn experimented with rebates. A patient could choose between a certificate worth $10 toward a first bottle of Rogaine or $20 for sending in the box tops from the first four emptied bottles. If the customer is satisfied with this, it may exhibit a higher probability of purchasing the product again. The satisfied customer will also tend to say good things about the brand to others. The feeling of satisfaction makes a difference in whether the customer buys the product again and talks favourably or unfavourably about the product to others.
General speaking, Rogaine is successful in the advertisement. It attracts more customers to try product. Marketer said that the best advertisement is a satisfied customer.
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- Loudon, David.L and Bitta, Albert J. Della (1993), Consumer Behavior, McGraw-Hill, Inc, I bid Pg 310
- Loudon, David.L and Bitta, Albert J. Della (1993), Consumer Behavior, McGraw-Hill, Inc, I bid Pg 314
- Loudon, David.L and Bitta, Albert J. Della (1993), Consumer Behavior, McGraw-Hill, Inc, I bid Pg 314
- Loudon, David.L and Bitta, Albert J. Della (1993), Consumer Behavior, McGraw-Hill, Inc, I bid Pg 315
- New Jersey, Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter (2002), Management, Prentice-Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg 425
- New Jersey, Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter (2002), Management, Prentice-Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg 425
- New Jersey, Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter (2002), Management, Prentice-Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg 425
- New Jersey, Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter (2002), Management, Prentice-Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg 425
- New Jersey, Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter (2002), Management, Prentice-Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg 425
New Jersey, Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong (1999), Marketing Management – International Edition (8th edition), Prentice Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg.193
New Jersey, Joel R. Evans and Barry Berman (1997), Marketing (7th Edition), Prentice Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg. 221
New Jersey, Philip Kotler (1994), Marketing Management – International Edition (8th edition), Prentice Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg.197
New Jersey, Philip Kotler (1994), Marketing Management – International Edition (8th edition), Prentice Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg.198
New Jersey, Philip Kotler (1994), Marketing Management – International Edition (8th edition), Prentice Hall International, Inc, I bid Pg.198