Humans in Space

Travel in space has long been the subject of many fiction writers. Thinking

scientifically about space and voyage through outer space is still a very new idea for many

people. What has traveling to space brought to human kind? The space race in the 20th century

has led people to many things such as the development of new technologies inspired by

theories of travel in space. But what are the true effects of this race on human beings? Was it

something that was needed? Is discovery in space a political threat or a path to new

developments in areas of engineering and the sciences? Although certain people such as social

scientists believe that further advancement in space travel technology would not help the

human race and that it can be harmful to humans in the future, the technology developed in

research will help develop our understanding in many sciences and will play an important role

in shaping the future of human kind. How space travel has affected human life can be

elaborated on by looking at how people have approached the search for a way to travel in

space, studying the socio-political effects of an advancement such as space travel, and trying to

understand what space travel will bring to the human race in the near future.

Space has been a mystery for more than five thousand years. People have studied and

wondered about the sky since the time of Aristotle or Pythagoras. Serious advancements in

space travel did not occur until the 20th century. The twentieth century can easily be said to be

the era in which the most development occurred in the areas of space travel and technology

(Mark, 1985). Technology went through tremendous advancements throughout the 20th

century. One example was the landing of a spacecraft on the moon, the only satellite of the

Earth, on July 15, 1969. Serious advancements in space travel technology and space travel

itself started when two men, Hermann Oberth and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, both scientists of

the early twentieth century, separately published two books, which would change how people

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viewed the challenge of space travel forever. By 1939 war clouds were on the horizon and the

attitudes of governments towards research on flight and space gained importance because of its

military applications (Mark, 1985; Menshikov, 2000). According to Mark (1985) the sudden

attempt to control the technology of flight by countries at war was a very important factor in

the advancement of the technology that would aid the development of the first rocket. The

fierce fight for technology throughout the Second World War had a large impact on flight

technology. The idea of traveling out into space was still ...

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