Increasing market share in Japan - Coca-cola.

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To:        Karen Cayo, CEO Coca-cola

From:        Kevin Connelly, Greg Jenkins, Adam Murphy

CC:        Steve Hopson

Date:        May 9, 2007

Re:        Increasing market share in Japan

We have been active in the Japanese market since 1957 and seen a constant growth rate.  With economic conditions being the way they are today, a downturn in the US economy, we must look to the over seas market.  We know we can be successful in Japan, because currently we hold about 80 percent of the market share.  Through various marketing strategies and environments, we believe there is room for more growth in Japan.  We have found convincing evidence that Coca-Cola can gain market share in Japan, especially by focusing efforts in the competitive and technological environments.  This information confirms our plan to continue to support the Japanese market and invest more resources in Japan.

Most recently our largest marketing campaign in Japan was our exclusive sponsorship of the 2002 FIFA World Cup.  This event is the world’s largest and most popular event, and our marketing groups focused heavily on the social environment.  Millions of people from Japan attended this event and were exposed to the Coca-cola advertising.  As part of our exclusive sponsorship of the FIFA World Cup, we are working in high gear to build enthusiasm and momentum in their local markets.  Also, we are heavily involved in the Japanese community.  For example, since 1966 our scholarship foundation has provided scholarships every year to over 50 economically challenged students with outstanding academic records.  And finally, in the social environment we led the introduction of “Keep Japan Beautiful,” a program which promotes environmental protection.  


Since Coca-Cola is already established in Japan we have a strong understanding of national food and beverage laws.  We are compliant in every aspect of the law, but must keep a close eye on any changes or modifications that could be made in the future.  Also, since Coca-Cola beverages are produced in Japan we can avoid all import trade regulations.  

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The Japanese economy is one of the strongest in the world.  Japan is only second to the US in GNP, Gross National Product.  Japan has a large surplus in its export and import balance. The most essential import goods are raw materials such as oil, foodstuffs, and wood.  Foodstuffs is very much what we are a part of, and distribution is a huge industry in Japan.  Living costs in Japan are very high.  This enables us to be more profitable in Japan, because the consumer is willing to pay high prices for goods and services.  The outlook for the ...

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