International Leadership & HRM The effective leadership model

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University of UlsterStudent ID: B00630018

MSc International Business

International Leadership & HRM

The effective leadership model

Student ID: B00630018


1.Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………3

2. The Leadership Style ……………………………………………………………………………4

  2.1 Charismatic leadership ……………………………………………………………………4

  2.2 Transformational Leadership …………………………………………………………..5

      2.2.1 Idealized influence

      2.2.2 Inspirational motivation

      2.2.3 Intellectual stimulation

      2.2.4 Individualized consideration

  2.3 Transactional Leadership …………………………………………………………………6

  2.4 Patriarchal Leadership ……………………………………………………………………..7

  2.5 Participative leadership ……………………………………………………………………7

  2.6 Servant-Leadership ………………………………………………………………………….8

3.Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………….9

4. References ………………………………………………………………………………………….10

1. Introduction

With the development of globalization, the effectiveness of the enterprise management and leadership has become an important part of company operation. Managers in the enterprise play an important role is to lead. Effective leadership is the key factor for enterprise survival and development; it has been proved by the fact that many successful businesses. Muenjohn (2007) point out that sensitivity to the needs of others, understanding to the work, dealing with problems stead fast, confident, eager to take responsibility and control power, is an important leadership traits. Focuses on the leadership skills of leadership effectiveness (Madzar, 2005), such as business leaders need technical skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills. From the perspective of the leadership behavior, focus on the leadership needs to produce what kind of leadership behavior, can significantly affect the effectiveness of the organization. Early studies of leadership behavior are divided into two main parts: interpersonal leadership behavior and task-oriented leadership behavior (Mastrangelo, Eddy and Lorenzet, 2004). And focus on these two aspects of leadership behavior with the "organizational performance", "employee satisfaction", "employee turnover" and "employee absenteeism”, and the relationship between those parts in order to understand what kind of leadership behavior is more effective. For example, interpersonal relationship orientation and task-oriented leadership behavior can effectively improve the performance of the organization and employee satisfaction.

The characteristic of today’s global business world is by increasing the competitiveness and sustainable development. There is a very important thing, is the leadership. A business sustainable development is one of the biggest factors in their senior managers how to manage and lead. An important part of the operating organization, which is guiding the members toward goals and objectives, it is the process of leadership (Thomas and Cheese, 2005). Leader is a powerful source, which can affect employee behavior. Leaders in an organization are vital factors determine the success or failure. Cohen (2010) points out that the best leaders always know the employees who are working for them and how to motivate them to better complete their work and perform more than expected. The survival and development of enterprise depends on the wisdom of the workers, how to more effective exert the potential of employees become the primary task of business leaders. This paper will simply expound some patterns of leadership; illustrate the importance of leadership in the enterprise. And through the in-depth discussion internationalization and localization of different characteristics, to make examples that should notice items and skills in leadership.

  1. The Leadership Style

There have discussing in academics, which is the best leadership; what kind of leadership style can bring remarkable performance for organizations. This is the hot top, which model can bring effective leader between leadership style and organizational performance. There are six kinds of widely influential leadership styles.

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2.1 Charismatic leadership

The core of this leadership style is the leader has the special charm of the quality. Charm that could exist in the special quality of leaders, could also be formed in the interaction between leaders and followers. The behavior characteristics of charismatic leadership mainly include: Role modeling, image creation, display abnormal behavior, impression management, value guide, depicting attractive vision, role model (Jogulu, 2010). Leaders constantly will through their own behavior to infection around employees and followers.

Early charismatic leadership theory is that leadership behavior has a profound influence on followers; there was ...

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