Is investing in gold a good idea?

Gold is the new favourite of the media. Pick up any newspaper or magazine and there are umpteen reasons listed in favour of investing in gold. Unfortunately, this could be just another instance of the media latching onto an idea whose time has already come and gone.

The last three years have seen a spurt in gold prices. Indeed, the performance has been impressive, especially given the fact that in the 1980s and 1990s gold turned in a poor performance. In 1980, the closing price of gold was $ 593.8 per ounce. The closing price in 2004, after a three year gold 'bull market', was $ 442.1 per ounce. This 'safe' investment surely did not live up to its image! Investors would have been better off keeping cash in a savings bank account!

The face off: gold vs other assets 

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So this rally has come as a relief to the gold bulls, who were all but extinct. Back in year 2000/2001, few were recommending gold, when it was trading at about U$ 260 per ounce. Today however, after a 70 per cent rise in the price of gold, the interest in this commodity has only increased. Our advice to you, be realistic and invest in gold only to the extent it suits your risk/return profile.

The comparative table (Table 1) puts in perspective the returns generated by different asset classes viz. equity, debt and gold over different periods of time. ...

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