Is job simplification an effective way to design work?

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Question 2: Is job simplification an effective way to design work?

Job design is the process of creating or defining jobs by assigning specific work tasks to individuals and groups within an organisation. (Schermerhorn, 2002)  Its main objective includes achieving high levels of job satisfaction and job performance amongst employees.  Hence, organisations are very particular when deciding upon the job design they wish to adopt for their employees as it will be a key factor in determining the future performance of their organisation. The design of jobs can be characterised in many different ways.  However, it is usually considered in terms of two underlying dimensions: the nature, number and variety of different tasks encompassed; and the amount of autonomy afforded in the execution of those tasks.

Job simplification refers to breaking complex work down into a sequence of simpler tasks to be conducted by different employees, resulting in narrowly defined standardised jobs characterised by limited skill requirements and little autonomy. (Jewell, 2000)  

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Hence, the fundamental question that I am going to answer is if, standardising work procedures and employing people in well-defined and highly specialised tasks, an efficient and effective way for an organisation to design its jobs.  I plan to answer the above query by understanding the development of job simplification, its pros and cons and its actual importance in today’s modern and professional organisations.  Based on these understandings, I wish to finally draw up a conclusion at the end of the essay whereby I shall agree or disagree to some extent if job simplification indeed is an effective way ...

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