Is the food spending of female garments workers depend on the following variables? : Family Income, Family size, Earning member, House rent, and Education.

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Ready made garments has been the country’s main export earner for a while. As this industry is characterized by its export earnings, female workers in the industrial sector characterizes the garments industry. However, these workers are often marked by poverty and hard labor. The following study attempts to analyze the important determinants in their expenditure on food consumption of these workers.

Question to be answered

Is the food spending of female garments workers depend on the following variables? :

  • Family Income
  • Family size
  • Earning member
  • House rent
  • Education

Problem Statement

In view of the current situation it is deemed pertinent to investigate the socioeconomic conditions of the female garment workers, especially those who work as a helper or operator. Most of the industry doesn’t follow the ILO minimum wage rate for these workers. Due to Low income and irregularity in payment raises problems in their living condition. They cannot able to get the proper diet, as they required. Day by day they are loosing their efficiency which is reducing their productivity. When the productivity goes down the GDP also affected.  


The research intends to look into the per month food

Expenditure by the Bangladeshi female garment worker,

With particular emphasis on the following aspects:

  • Economic conditions, such as wage payment, total family income, job experience
  • Social conditions, such as education level, number of family member, earning member.

Development of the Theoretical Model


We know the consumption is depending on disposable income. Thus we can say Consumption function is a relationship between consumption expenditure and disposable income. If we consider ‘C’ is Consumption Expenditure and ‘YD’ disposable income we get,

                 C = f (Y0)

So Consumption = f (Disposable Income)

If income increases consumption will also increase. But some time people likes to save money from their income This savings depend on income and consumption. Total Disposable income is used to spend in consumption and savings. i.e.        

YD = C + S    

Where YD = Disposable Income

                 C  = Consumption Expenditure

                 S  = Savings

The model that we have developed is that the expenditure on food per month by the female garment workers are affected by numerous factors. However the following variables: Total family Income, Education Level, Family size, Number of Earning member in the family, House rent expected to be important in explaining the variation in Expenditure on food. The relationship between food consumption & other factors is as follows:

 Expenditure on Food  = f [Family income, Education

Level, family size, Earning member, House rent]

Now we consider

 Y = f [X1, X2, X3, X4, X5]


Y = Dependent variable or Expenditure on food per month

by the female garment workers in taka.

X1 = First independent variable or Total family Income in


X2 = Second independent variable or Education level in

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X3 = Third independent variable or Family size in number.

X4 = Fourth independent variable or Earning member in


X5 = Fifth independent variable or House rent in taka.


The theoretical relationship between the dependent variable (Y) and each of the independent variables (X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5) is easy to understand using simple theory and logical deduction.

The Expense for Consumption of food by the garment workers is dependent on the total family income. They are positively related because as the total family income increases workers will be able to ...

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