"Job analysis is a fundamental HRM activity"

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“Job analysis is a fundamental HRM activity” In this essay I will discuss how job analysis is a vital fundamental part of Human Resource management activity. I will use examples in reference to the job description and person specifications I have previously invented and explained. By identifying the finer points of job analysis, as well as outlining further methods, I will prove my support for the essay statement. “Job analysis is a process of gathering, assessing and recording information. It is essential preparation for writing job descriptions-.”(Rudman, 2000). Without job analysis Human Resource Managers would find it more difficult and more time consuming to figure out job descriptions and person specifications for the job is question. More importantly, with job analysis, Human Resource Managers can research the job and describe to the company the importance of the job and why the position actually exists. Job analysis does not deal with the person or persons that will be or are holding a particular job, but deals with the position in question and its characteristics. The main criteria for a job analysis and person specification includes the purpose of the position, key tasks, expected results, relationships, decision making, authority, skill, knowledge, experience, personality characteristics as well as any other relevant factors that the company may choose to comment about the position. By researching into these criteria through various means, the Human Resource Manager is able to view exactly what is needed for the position. In reality, they are making predictions as to what is going to be needed for the position and also working out ways in order for the position to meet those predictions. This process is the beginning phases of writing out a job description and person specification. By doing a job analysis, the Human Resource Manager is able to discover the actual jobs required for a given position. This can be done in a number of different ways. Firstly it can be done through interviews. Interviews are probably the most common method of gathering information for job analysis. Usually the original jobholder will discuss the description of the position with a job analyst who in turn will conjure up a draft after approval from that persons manager.
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However this can be very time-consuming and also very costly. Questionnaires have recently become quite common practice, mainly to reduce the time devoured by interviews, but also in an attempt to “standardise data collection”(Rudman, 2000). However, this also has its disadvantages as some people are able to express themselves greater through writing, and complicated questionnaires can vary in their scope of coverage and depth of analysis. There are also a number of minor methods, which can prove to be more appropriate depending on the position and tactics used in job analysis. These include checklists, observation, group interviews, technical conferences, Diary ...

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