key elements of the marketing strategy pursued by Netto

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1. Identify the key elements of the marketing strategy pursued by Netto since its entry into the UK. How would you characterize the strategy?

Before expounding on the question, it is worthy of mention that many of the various aspects of marketing strategy overlap to varying extents, such that it is sometimes difficult to separate them. Further, any one strategy may serve to bring about desirable effects in areas it was not specifically aimed at. This having been said, the marketing strategy of Netto may be broken down as follows:

Environment scanning

The most remarkable thing about the marketing strategy pursued by Netto is the perfection of its environment scanning. This assertion is corroborated by the following facts.

Netto entered the UK. Market in the early 1990s, during which time the UK economy was in a recession. Netto scanned the market and perceived that they could benefit from this recession, because of the increased concern of consumers over price. This scanning was related to the macro-environment, more specifically the economic situation.

An example of Netto’s perfect scanning in the micro-environment is the way they evaluated their customers. Netto's explanation for locating in West Yorkshire first was that it believed the consumers in that area to be relatively price sensitive and more responsive to the discount format.


Towards the end of the 1980s, the majority of UK Supermarkets were concentrating on four points:

  • Quality.
  • High level of customer service.
  • Premium pricing.
  • Extended product range.

Netto realized that the key to succeeding in this competitive market was to analyze its competitors and create a competitive advantage for itself. It came to the conclusion that focusing on low prices would be the best position, especially given the hard economic situation at the time.

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Pricing strategy

Having ascertained its niche in the market, Netto proceeded to position itself in the area where the prices were lowest. It realized however that it would not be able to penetrate this area without squeezing its costs. This it decided to do through limiting its product range, restricting it to those core products which cover nearly 90 percent of the customer’s daily needs, while simultaneously concentrating on maximizing the volume of sales so as to reap the benefits of the ‘economy of scale’.

Adapting to the local culture:

Netto has understood that despite being a foreign company in ...

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