Task 2 – Marketing plan

Business name: Buzz Palace

Legal status: Sole trader – A sole trader is a business that is owned by one person. The business will employ several workers but it is owned by one person. This is the most common form of business. An example of this would be a newsagent or a self employed plumber. 

Marketing strategy is the plan of action for any product or service, this is all based on the research that I have done to achieve my objectives. Marketing strategies are based on goals and objectives. The marketing strategy of a business is the method by which it intends to achieve its objectives. The first stage is setting marketing objectives, this is basically setting deadlines and targets to allow the company to measure the companies achievements. The second stage is specifying the core marketing strategy, this involves targeting certain markets. The third is the implementation of tactics to achieve the main strategy.

All companies set themselves objectives, objectives are put together to give a business some direction into where there business is heading. It is also a way of showing success in terms of achievements and it also sets a bench mark of expected achievements and success. If a company is unable to meets its objectives within or around the time limit it is likely to be branded a failure because of its inability to meet expectations. So it is very important to firstly make sure all of your objectives are realistically achievable

To make sure this is the case i intend to make all my marketing objectives SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time Based

Specific – in the objective it states exactly what you are going to do,

E.g. to increase sales after the first year by 5%.

Measurable – measurable so that I will be able to measure my progress and whether I have met objectives.

E.g. I intend to make £2,000 worth of sales within the first two weeks

Achievable – with a reasonable amount of effort and application my objective would be reached. This is basically to prevent you from setting unrealistic targets.

Relevant – are they realistic or are they unrealistic to achieve what I have set to achieve my objectives

Time based – you have to set your targets within a certain time span


The reason that aims and objectives are used within a business is to keep the business running well. If a company had no objectives than they have nothing to work towards and aims and objectives give the business some direction to work in.

Long Term

  • To increase my profit each year by at least 7% over the next 5 years: This target will be able to show me how much my business has progressed. If a business is to be successful it is required to improve on its success so by improving profits yearly by at least 10%
  • To provide a constantly high level of customer service – The reason for this being is that to achieve sales I need to keep my customers happy and attract new customers and the best way to do this is by maintaining a high level of customer service.
  • Expand the business – If my business is do well and judging from my 1st year profits of £4264. I should be able to invest into another business within a few years.

Short Term

  • Increase my market share by 5% over the next year: To do this I will have to make profit because the market share is determined by the amount of profit the company makes compared to its competitors. Upon setup my business will possess nothing in market share. This is just the start of a long term target I intend to achieve. That target is to be the dominant, market share owner within my business.
  • Achieve a sales turnover of £279,344 – This is my predicted sales turnover
  • Achieve a pre tax profit of £4000 in my first year of running

AIM: My main aim is to be the market share leader within 5 years, these small objectives are to help me reach my main aim, I hope to reach all my stated objectives within the first year

Marketing Mix

When any business decides to market a product or service, it is very important that the right marketing mix is put together. If my company Buzz Palace wants to be competitive in the market, than we have to carefully organise our marketing mix.

Marketing is made up of the 4ps:

  • Product
  • Place
  • Price
  • Promotion

My company “Buzz Palace” will have to find the key aspects of the marketing mix and obtain them to produce the best possible marketing mix. My company needs to consider all the 4ps as there are vital when launching a service or product. The 4 p’s cover all the requirement when setting up a product or service. The Marketing Mix is very important and essential to my company and if it is likely to succeed.


My company is providing a product and service which will meet the requirements of my market. The service I am providing is in the form of a restaurant. Product is the primary factor of the marketing mix, because without product you can not use any of the other 3ps price, promotion and place because you can’t promote or put a price on nothing. My product has to satisfy its customers, if it wants to develop or grow in the market.

All products and services have many different characteristics and features; my company has to look at the differentiation process in which it needs to consider factors which will make my restaurant different and unique from my competitors and make it more appealing to my market.

The main product I am offering is shisha.

Source: www.google.com

Below is a Product Life Cycle, the product life cycle shows the different stages that all products go through from development to withdrawal from the market. The seven stages are shown below in the diagram.

Source: ()

Product Life Cycle


Research and development is where an organisation researches about the market needs and also tries to find out what product is available and which product is not available in the market. Once they have found out about the product in depth they start improving it, this is where development comes in, we have realised this and seen the competitors that we need to face as this is a challenge for the new developing restaurant. From my market research I have notified that there is a gap in the market where customer’s requirements are not being fulfilled from my second research, on the competitive analysis it shows there were many reasons that show that my restaurant is a demand. My company at this stage will be designing the launch of the restaurant and I will be creating a menu that my business will use as well as the layout of my business.

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Introduction is where the sales of the product/service are starting to raise and then this means that the product/service is starting to make profit, which means that promotion has started and people around me are getting to know me more and the product/service that I am willing to offer. A penetration pricing is used as they are many competitors within the location I have opened my restaurant. For my business this stage will be the opening of the restaurant to they target market so promotion is a very important here. I will be providing free samples and food ...

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