Marketing research tools - Assignment on Factor and Cluster Analysis

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Submitted to

Prof. Prahlad Mishra

Submitted By

   U108045 – Rahul Nishit

U108057 - Tanya Gupta

U108095 - Rahul Singh

U108097 – Richa Gupta

  U108109-Sourabh Choudhury

U108111 – Sujit Sahoo


Variables Used        

Factor Analysis        

Cluster Analysis: Approach 1        

Cluster Analysis: Approach 2        

Cluster Analysis: Approach 3        


Discriminant Analysis        

Logit Model:        

Assignment on Factor and Cluster Analysis

Variables Used

The 11 variables that were decided upon are as follows:

Influence of Brands: In a retail superstore, there is availability of a large number of brands, all under one roof. There may be situations where the consumers get allured by the presence of large number of brands and thus affect his/her buying decision. (Code-B)

Product Offering (Variety & Range): It is generally perceived that customers get attracted the huge number of products that are offered by these shopping stores. So we tend to measure as to whether he really prefers this variety and does this influence his buying decision. (Code-C)

Trust on Product Quality: There are instances when the products offered in organized retail outlets are of unknown brands or they are in house brands. So we try to assess whether customers tend to trust these brands just because they are present inside the reputed store, even without knowing anything of that particular product quality. (Code-D)

Brand Comparison within products: Generally a big retail store offers a wide portfolio of brands for the same product category. We try to measure that whether the consumers shop from such stores because he/she has the options of comparing the brands within the same brand.    (Code-E)

Discounts & Promotional Offers: Often organized retail stores tend to attract customers by offering discounts and various other incentives to a prospect buyer. Through this variable, we intend to measure the influence of these marketing strategies on a customer’s mind. (Code-F)

Price Advantage: This is basically an extension of the above said sub variables where we test whether customers get the products at a cheaper cost as compared to the unorganized players in the market. (Code-H)

Regular Buyer: By regular buyer, we mean that then when a customer visits a mall/retail chain does he always buy something, however small, insignificant it may be. (Code-I)

Difference between Budgeted and Actual Spending: Amount spent during the visit is essentially depends on his budget and here we intend to measure as to whether a customer always spends within his budget or he is tempted to exceed it. Going by this rationale, this forms one of the important variables for our analysis. (Code-J)

Experience during the visit: We try to gauge the effect of ambience, experience which an individual gets when he visits a retail chain and whether this experience entices him to spend more on the same product as to when he would have visited an unorganized market. Thus, Mall Experience forms a very important variable. (Code-L)

Impulsive Buyer: Impulsive buyer is a buyer who buys just for the sake of buying. He/She is one who had initially no specific plan of buying that particular product when they had entered the store. They are in strike contrast to buyers who are well informed as to what they have to buy and what not to. (Code-M)

Factor Analysis

Factor 1: Cashing on Buyer Impulsiveness

F – Discounts & Promotional Offers (0.770)

G – Membership Cards (0.767)

M – Impulsive Buyer (0.783)

Factor 2: 4Ps of Marketing

C – Product Offering (Variety & Range) (0.461)

D – Trust on Product Quality (0.810)

E – Brand Comparison within products (0.706)

H – Price Advantage (0.652)

L – Experience during the visit (0.398)

Factor 1

Factor 3: Influence of Brands

B – Influence of Brands (0.795)

Factor 4: Regular Buyer

I – Regular Buyer (0.768)

Cluster Analysis: Approach 1

In this approach, we do a Cluster Analysis with Cluster variables as the 11 variables. We have not used demographic details as the clustering variables.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * H I E R A R C H I C A L  C L U S T E R   A N A L Y S I S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 Dendrogram using Average Linkage (Between Groups)

                      Rescaled Distance Cluster Combine

   C A S E    0         5        10        15        20        25

  Label  Num  +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+

          87   ─┬───┐

         114   ─┘   ├───┐

          17   ─────┘   ├─┐

          76   ─┬─────┐ │ │

         110   ─┘     ├─┘ │

          31   ───┬───┘   ├───────┐

          56   ───┘       │       │

          85   ─┬───┐     │       │

         113   ─┘   ├─────┘       │

          46   ─────┘             │

          15   ───────┬───────────┼───────┐

          66   ───────┘           │       │

          49   ─┬─────────────┐   │       │

          94   ─┘             ├───┘       │

          82   ─┬───────┐     │           │

         112   ─┘       ├─────┘           │

          81   ─┬───────┘                 │

         111   ─┘                         │

          47   ───┬─────────┐             │

          84   ───┘         ├───┐         │

          18   ─────────────┘   │         ├───────────┐

          55   ─┬─────────┐     ├─────┐   │           │

         104   ─┘         ├─┐   │     │   │           │

          27   ─┬─────────┘ │   │     │   │           │

          99   ─┘           ├───┘     │   │           │

           5   ───────┬─────┤         │   │           │

          75   ───────┘     │         │   │           │

          32   ─────┬───┐   │         │   │           │

          65   ─────┘   ├───┘         │   │           │

          79   ─────────┘             │   │           │

          43   ───────┬───────┐       ├───┘           │

          70   ───────┘       │       │               │

          61   ─┬─────┐       ├─────┐ │               │

         109   ─┘     ├───┐   │     │ │               │

          59   ─┬─────┘   ├───┘     │ │               │

         107   ─┘         │         │ │               │

          73   ───────────┘         │ │               │

          36   ─┬───┐               │ │               │

          93   ─┘   │               │ │               │

          67   ─────┼─┐             ├─┘               │

          30   ─────┘ │             │                 ├─────────┐

          28   ─┬─┐   ├───────┐     │                 │         │

          29   ─┘ ├───┤       │     │                 │         │

          71   ───┘   │       │     │                 │         │

          21   ───────┤       ├─┐   │                 │         │

          34   ───────┘       │ │   │                 │         │

          19   ─────┬───┐     │ │   │                 │         │

          69   ─────┘   ├─────┘ ├───┘                 │         │

          42   ───────┬─┘       │                     │         │

          45   ───────┘         │                     │         │

          23   ─────────┬─────┐ │                     │         │

          51   ─────────┘     ├─┘                     │         │

          64   ───────────────┘                       │         │

          54   ─┬───────────────────────────────────┐ │         │

         103   ─┘                                   │ │         │

          35   ─┬─┐                                 │ │         │

         100   ─┘ ├─────────────────┐               │ │         │

          13   ─┬─┘                 │               │ │         │

          97   ─┘                   │               │ │         │

           7   ─┬─────┐             │               │ │         │

          88   ─┘     ├───┐         ├───────┐       │ │         │

          60   ─┬─────┤   │         │       │       ├─┘         │

         108   ─┘     │   ├─┐       │       │       │           │

           1   ───────┘   │ ├─────┐ │       │       │           │

          25   ───────────┘ │     ├─┘       │       │           │

          38   ─────────────┘     │         │       │           │

           4   ───────────────────┘         │       │           │

           3   ─┬─────┐                     │       │           │

          96   ─┘     ├───────────────┐     │       │           │

          22   ───────┘               │     ├───────┘           │

          37   ─┬───────┐             │     │                   │

         101   ─┘       │             │     │                   │

          41   ───┬─┐   ├───┐         │     │                   │

          48   ───┘ ├─┐ │   │         │     │                   │

          68   ─────┘ ├─┘   │         │     │                   │

           8   ─┬─────┤     ├───┐     │     │                   │

          89   ─┘     │     │   │     │     │                   │

Join now!

          74   ───────┘     │   │     │     │                   │

          80   ─────────────┘   ├───┐ │     │                   │

          83   ─────────┬───┐   │   │ ├─────┘                   │

          86   ─────────┘   │   │   │ │                         │

          12   ─┬───────┐   ├───┘   │ │                         │

          91   ─┘       ├───┤       │ │                         │

          72   ───────┬─┘   │       │ │                         │

          77   ───────┘     │       │ │                         │

          33   ─────────────┘       │ │                         │

           2   ─┬───────┐           │ │                         │

          95   ─┘       │           │ │                         │

          57   ─┬─┐     ├───┐       │ │                         │

         105   ─┘ ├───┐ │   │       │ │                         │

          20   ─┬─┘   ├─┘   │       ├─┘                         │

          98   ─┘     │     ├─────┐ │                           │

          26   ───────┘     │     │ │                           │

          58   ─┬───────┐   │     │ │                           │

         106   ─┘       ├─┐ │     │ │                           │

          53   ─┬───────┘ ├─┘     │ │                           │

         102   ─┘         │       ├─┤                           │

          16   ───────────┘       │ │                           │

           6   ─────┬───┐         │ │                           │

          50   ─────┘   ├─────┐   │ │                           │

          11   ─┬─────┐ │     │   │ │                           │

          90   ─┘     ├─┘     │   │ │                           │

          24   ───────┘       ├───┘ │                           │

          14   ─┬───┐         │     │                           │

          92   ─┘   ├─────┐   │     │                           │

           9   ─────┘     ├───┘     │                           │

          10   ─────┬─────┘         │                           │

          78   ─────┘               │                           │

          52   ─────────────────────┘                           │

          39   ─────────┬───────┐                               │

          62   ─────────┘       ├───────┐                       │

          63   ─────────────────┘       ├─────┐                 │

          44   ─────────────────────────┘     ├─────────────────┘

          40   ───────────────────────────────┘

Cluster 1:

The difference is not very significant because we have taken a relatively big cluster so that we can carry out Factor Analysis on the same. If we concentrate on smaller clusters, the demographic details will match more within a cluster. This has been highlighted by taking a smaller cluster within Cluster1.


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