Warwick Business School

University of Warwick


Markets, Marketing and Strategy

                              Assignment (due on 8th January 2009)

Student number: 0523537



Knowledge of the environment in which a firm operates is vital for it to work at full efficiency and achieve its goals. The BBC was the first national broadcasting organisation and was founded on 18 October 1922 as the ; it was subsequently granted a  and was made a publicly funded corporation in 1927. The corporation produces programmes and information services, broadcasting globally on , and the . The stated mission of the BBC is "to inform, educate and entertain" (as laid down by  in the );  is "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation". In this paper, I will analyze issues facing the BBC using Porter’s 5 forces (Porter, 1979).



Threat of Entry:

In the case of the BBC the threat of a new broadcasting firm entering the market is not very high due to the large capital requirements. Furthermore, there exist other barriers to entry, principally product differentiation due to brand identification.

However, the impacts of digitalisation and  technological advancements that have made this market more competitive and mean to end present forms of spectrum scarcity, thus removing the

Near-monopolistic conditions broadcasters have enjoyed.  Although new competition policies exist that impose control of transmission the UK is said to have a “uniquely favourable regulatory system based on the early liberalisation of telecommunications and the gradual development of competition in broadcasting.”

Threat of Substitutes:

Substitutes refer to similar products of different brands (Sky, ITV, etc) or different products itself (movies, other means of entertainment and news like the internet).  BBC is affected by many substitutes, some more than others. The movie industry seems to be the main substitute .If there is a must see movie on at the cinema, viewers may decide to go and view that instead.  Another key substitute is events such as concerts and sporting events. However, these do not take place that often and hence do not greatly affect the BBCs profitability.

Threat of Buyers (Bargaining Power):

BBCs main customers are the viewing public and the many companies that advertise their products on the BBC.  The viewers share a very high bargaining power as there is a lot of competition in the industry.  If viewers do not like what they are seeing then they will switch over to another channel and not watch BBC.  This is illustrated by the fact that many shows do not make it past the pilot show.  The BBCs profitability is thus dependent on the amount of viewers it can attract.  The more viewers it can acquire the more profitable the BBC will become.  Therefore, this bargaining power of customers has a great impact on the BBCs overall profitability.

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Companies advertising on BBC however will have limited power as although there are many broadcasters that are reliant on commercial income; BBC is one of the largest in the UK and does not rely completely on this. Therefore, the BBC has a greater say in setting prices for advertisers sometimes making advertises pay large amounts for airing their products.

Threat of Suppliers (Bargaining Power):

Suppliers bargaining power can be both quite high and low depending on how we look at the BBC. This depends on the experience and reputation of the supplier.  BBC is the biggest commercial channel in the UK ...

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