Multinationals and

World Trade


International Trade

Student Name:             Siyuan Li

Student ID:                  2800712

Unit Coordinator:        Nigel Grimwade

Essay Question

How has the rise of multinational company affected trade? Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) a substitute or does FDI complement trade?





Multinational companies are growing dramatically and merged in many countries especially in 21th century.  The rise of multinational companies facilitates word trade and economy. Many companies are engaged in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), because it can access new overseas markets, take the advantage of cost and also to locate a business function near clusters of similar or related companies. Therefore FDI has direct link with trade. FDI has grown in importance in the global economy with FDI stocks now constituting 28 percent of global GDP (From Wikipedia). The aim of this paper is to analyze how has multinational company affected trade? And explain in some extent FDI is substitute and complement to trade.    

Multinational companies are now found in many countries because these companies aim to maximize their profits. FDI and trade are clearly interlinked. Gross domestic profit allows a country to measure the outputs, and hence the effects that FDI is having upon the nation " if the unit increases, this means that the country is reaping more financial benefit from the facilitation of investments into the country, according to Romilly (2005), and the advantage of FDI is evident. The prominence of FDI clearly shows that it is successful, and that the capital flows between nations and willingness to locate subsidiaries overseas have amplified since the 1980"s as a result of its achievements. Another reason that the governments encourage FDI is the technological and management skills that the Multinational Companies can bring to the country.  Multinational Companies cause an increase in technological advancements and these products then become sellable which further increases trade.  (Romilly, 2005, pg 54)

Globalization has induced international trade to be easily conducted amongst nations. Previously nations had many economic barriers in order to protect their domestic products but with more Multinational Companies entering the frame has meant that such economic barriers have been lifted although protection still exist. These protections still exist in current times but at a much smaller scale. Globalization, hand in hand with improvements of technology such as the Internet, has slowly seduced nations into realizing the importance and advantages of international trade, thus leading these nations to become more open to international trade. It can be clearly seen that those developing nations that enjoying the most economic include China and India where  Multinational Companies have expanded into and are enjoying contributing to trade within the country and taking advantage of low tariffs. Many argue that relationship between trade and FDI is only complementary in cases where FDI is vertical e.g. taking place in countries which are already developed and this results in low trade costs which complements FDI. Foreign direct investment has been expanding at a very fast pace throughout the past decade and recorded growths of about 40% per year from 1995-2000 but not all of this has been vertical. (Romilly, 2005, pg67) Multinational Companies based in USA which relocated from UK have embraced globalization and have been removing its trade barriers to accommodate international trade and higher levels of foreign direct investment. This has naturally caused a certain number of implications for international business enterprises based in USA. Since the early 20th century, multinational enterprises have dominated the US economy. The relationship between cross border trade and FDI is different in the service sector. If two sectors differ then relationship will turn sour.  (Daniels, et al, 2002) As recent times have ushered in the world"s willingness to open up to trade and reduce its economic borders that once existed, countries are developing in a faster rate and their economies are getting stronger. Take China as an example, The country has welcome many Multinational Companies into its country with IBM leading the way. Trade and FDI have been confirmed as complements and so investing abroad had lead to more competitiveness in overseas markets, which benefits exports from the investing country. Trade and FDI such have improved the per capita income in China in recent year and the economies of scale. Foreign companies whom have undertaken its operations in China have experienced growth and success due to China's reduced trade policies and lowered tariffs. Thus it can be said in general that Multinational Companies  have had an overall positive impact on foreign enterprises based in China and this will encourage more foreign direct investment and new foreign enterprises to emerge in overseas. (Daniels, et al, 2002 pg 12-20)

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The increased levels of free trade agreements since 1980's has been a result of increased levels of trade liberalization and caused by the process of Multinational Company   globalization. Due to these increasing levels of free trade, that has been in Asia already achieving high rates of economic growth, UK has thus realized the importance of trade and also adopted policies to encourage free trade. Under the Washington consensus, UK established deregulation of its financial sector, dismantled trade barriers and adopted openness to overseas markets. To increase the benefits from free trade of comparative advantage, UK has also implemented the ...

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